
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Angela Corey, Lead Prosecutor in Zimmerman Trial, Calls Zimmerman A "Murderer" After Verdict

Angela Cory was asked to give one word that best describes George Zimmerman, after pondering it for a while she says “murderer.”

Via Mediaite.
In an interview with ABC, Bernie de la Rionda suggests when a defendant doesn't take the stand there is something wrong with the defendant and that he must be a coward. This is absurd, and the presumption of innocence in this country is part of the bedrock of the criminal justice system. It's outrageous that a prosecutor would do that. And think about it: have you ever seen a prosecutor suggest such a thing? It never happens.    
Angela Corey says, "Nobody just gets a gun out and shoots, even trained police officers. When they’re on the ground, with a suspect on top of them, they can’t get their guns out that quickly."
I thought the evidence was that Zimmerman was being beaten for about 45 seconds prior to firing his weapon. One witness, for example, talked about Martin doing a "ground pound," repeatedly punching Zimmerman while straddling him. A cop wouldn't have been able to get his gun out in 45 seconds?
Not only is that silly, it also makes it clear Corey rejects the jury's decision.
In fact, yesterday she called Zimmerman a "murderer." (Video below the fold.) This is reckless and unintelligent, since we know that Zimmerman is not a murderer, and it appears to be an instance of defamation per se.
The case is over, and there is no prosecutorial privilege. Most importantly, as in the case with de la Rionda, it's an attack on the fabric of our criminal justice system. It's terrible for a prosecutor to do this, and I have never seen anything like it. The proper response is to say "the jury has spoken" and maybe even "now we must move on," but it's clear Corey has no respect for the jury, despite her frequent statements to the contrary.
Meanwhile, Holder is asking for Tips.

From Ace:

Department of Justice Now Soliciting Tips About Any Possible Derogatory Information Useful in a Prosecution of Immanuel Goldstein George Zimmerman


  1. The only new thing I came away with from the entire Trayvon Martin affair is that Fla. governor Rick Scott proved himself a pu$$y.

  2. And the actions of these two prosecutors make clear they are under enormous pressure, or in someone's pocket to behave in such an unprofessional way. I´ve never seen anything like this. And the US Attorney General is asking for tips???

    Is this really happening? This was a unique country; there was respect for the law, and there was stability. Now all that seems to be gone and madness took over. The problem is there is no place to run to.

    What a rotten world we are leaving our children!!
