I am a Benevolent Slave Owner
Maybe we can just dispense with the Free Economy altogether, and the government can just hire everybody.
President Barack Obama – citing the job losses since he took office — said “the economy would be much better off,” unemployment would be 6.5 percent and the national deficit would be in decline if there were more federal, state and local government workers.
“If those layoffs had not happened, if public sector employees grew like they did in the past two recessions, the unemployment rate would be 6.5 instead of 7.5,” Obama said. “Our economy would be much better off, and the deficit would still be going down because we would be getting more tax revenue.”
Obama spoke Tuesday at the Amazon Fulfillment Center in Chattanooga, Tenn., where he promoted plans he said would help the middle class such as corporate tax reform, increased federal spending on infrastructure, more education spending, public-private partnerships and rolling back the sequester.
Keep reading…
Mooch: Barack’s Working To Free Americans From “Any Form of Public Assistance”…
In an e-mail to supporters, First Lady Michelle Obama says she grew up in a family that didn’t need help from the government, and that her husband is working to make Americans free from dependence on government once again.
“When I was growing up, a family like mine — living on my hard-working father’s salary at the city water plant — could build a solid life without much debt and without relying on any form of public assistance. Today, for too many families, that American promise is no longer within reach.
“Barack is working to fix that and he needs solid Democrats in Congress to help him.”
However, her husband’s administration is spending millions actively promoting dependence on government assistance in the form of things like food stamps and health care.Keep reading…
More government workers as an economic driving force? What idiocy!