
Friday, July 19, 2013

The Demise of America

It's called, "The Demise of America"
Available at

Many Americans today feel a sense of dismay and horror as we see our country in a downward spiral; both economically, morally, and politically. President Obama’s indifferent attitude and the continuous list of scandals and bad policy are leading the country to ruin.

As an artist I am reminded of the old saying “Nero fiddled while Rome burned.” History believes that Nero himself may have set the great fire that burned a part of Rome during his leadership. Afterwards, he blamed it on the Christians who suffered great persecution under his rule. I see great similarities to what we are experiencing today. Obama fiddled, while the people witnessed the demise of America.


  1. Yes, since Obama ,by hook or by crook, won the re-election. America is on a deimise. As one formor Muslim andhezbolah member explained about Obama "He is going to hurt this country."

  2. Yes, America is on a decline since ,by hook or by crook, Obama was re-elected. As on former Muslim and hezbollah menber, who is now a Christian stated about about Obama that "He is going to hurt this country."

  3. Since Obama is in office in the White House as President I'm glad that I am no longer a youth and I'm sorry for the children of this country.
