
Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Obama: What are you gonna believe, me or you’re lying eyes?

Well I guess any leader stating there is a red line is now some kind of schmuck.
Or we are.
Or he/she thinks we are.
Or we actually are. Take your choice.
I suppose I could put up the you tube unmistakably showing Obama saying .. THAT”S A FRICKIN RED LINE. 
"we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized.”
And then today’s denial he said what WE ALL SAW HIM SAY.
But this is the point….
Here is ABC:
President Obama’s “red line” on Syria isn’t quite as straightforward as it’s been made out to be.
Meanwhile… at CNN
 President Barack Obama said Wednesday that the world set a red line against chemical weapons use that he now seeks to apply to Syria, while a Senate committee approved a resolution authorizing the U.S. military attack that he is planning.
By a 10-7 vote, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee passed the resolution that authorizes a limited military response, giving Obama an initial victory in his push to win congressional approval.
BTW, McCain can no longer support the resolution because it’s too limiting on use of force. Obviously he REALLY BELIEVES he Syrian Free Army is a bunch of Episcopalian Muslims. 
And when the first pilot is shot down by a Russian built and supplied S-300? Or when we blow the fuck out of the Russian training platoon sent in by Putin who today says he he NOT GOING TO STOP SUPPLYING THAT PRICK ASSAD? (whoops?) Is this worth that? Maybe that’s the Russian red line.
Turn the tables and wonder what we would do if those were our boys who got smushed by the Russki version of Cyberdyne Systems.
Red Line?
We have to be one of the WORST GOVERNED democracies on the planet right now.
These ‘smart’ people have NO IDEA WHAT THEY ARE DOING, and NO IDEA WHO THEY ARE DEALING WITH. Lack of a practical common sense, and lack of a cynical sense of doubt (except about republicans) have disarmed these people, and now disarmed the nation. No one thinks we are serious, and 200 Tomahawks (paid for us as mercenaries for the OTHER, OTHER ARABS) are not going to convince anyone we are anything but …


Which reminds me, from about 1350 to 1650 England was continuously beset by large scale violence over ‘good governance’. From the Yorks and Lancasters, Richard II,  Wat the Tiler, right thru the gunpowder plot, failure to govern with effectiveness and justice yielded BAD THINGS.
Of course, Obama et al are excepted from history.
The thing is…



  1. MOSCOW – Russian President Vladimir Putin has called U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry a liar for denying that al-Qaida was fighting with the Syrian opposition in that country's civil war.
    Speaking Wednesday to his human rights council, Putin recalled watching a congressional debate where Kerry was asked about al-Qaida and denied that it was operating in Syria, even though he was aware of the al-Qaida-linked Jabhat al-Nusra group.

    Obama doesn't know wtf he is doing. If the senate approves this we better be prepared for war. What makes him believe that Russia and Iran will not follow up on their threats to defend Syria?

  2. Kerry: "Arab countries offering to bear the cost of 'FULL SCALE' Syria war."

    Hmmmm.....So the US army is now for rent?Do they offer 'rebates'as well?

  3. I had only a short time after work yesterday to browse the web for the day's news.

    This lie about no red line drawn sent me into a state of near apoplexy!


