
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Suspect Charged With Hate-Crime In Brooklyn ‘Knockout Game’ Attack on Young Jewish Man


That is EXACTLY what should be done about these scumslurpers.

No Jew should have to go around feeling as if they are a target for crime simply because they are a Jew.

Fact is, no HUMAN BEING ought to have to go around feeling as if they are a target for crime simply because they are a member of this or that group other than the norm.

Hate crimes are hate crimes.

Though I am a Conservative, I have always been in favor of Hate Crimes Legislation for this reason:

We all go through life having to tolerate a certain threshold of criminality in our society and recognizing that we may be a target.

When one's particular group suddenly becomes a common target of a particular kind of crime, and individuals are targeted simply because they are a member of that group, then THOSE PEOPLE WHO ARE MEMBERS OF THAT GROUP HAVE TO TOLERATE A HIGHER THRESHOLD OF CRIME THAN OTHER PEOPLE.

That is not right.

And that is the reason Hate Crimes Legislation is absolutely fucking necessary.

So good on the NYPD, and I hope these guys all get ass-raped in prison.

From NBC:
Police said a suspect has been arrested and charged with a hate crime for assaulting a man on a Brooklyn street early Friday in an attack that may have been part of a so-called “knockout game.” 
The 24-year-old victim, who is white and Jewish, said he overheard the people who attacked him talking about the knockout game before they punched him in the face on 18th Avenue in Boro Park. 
Marajh Amrit, 28, has been charged with two counts of a hate crime and third-degree assault, police said. Four men were held in connected with the assault, but police said three had been let go. 
Police had earlier said the group of men who attacked the victim were celebrating a birthday and were inebriated.


  1. What's this:

    ...While some of those attacked have been white, and some suspected attackers black, experts said the incidents are more about preying on the seemingly helpless than race or religion....

    More at the above link.

    Mr. AOW on his scooter would be a helluva target!

  2. AOW, to my knowledge all but a very few of the attacks have been on whites or Jews.

    In Brooklyn (bed-stuy) they've been specifically on JEWS.

    Very few on anyone of any other race.

    None of blacks that I know of.

    EVERY perp I have seen photo id'd has been black. EVERY SINGLE ONE.

  3. Pasto,
    All the perps have been black, I think.

    I think that one black woman was attacked at a Metro subway station here, and there was one suspected such attack on an Asian Congresswoman from NY. Otherwise, all attacks here have been on those who were not black.

    So, Jews have been specifically singled out in Brooklyn?

  4. An attack on an Asian woman does not mean this is not racism. Black people do not like Asians, in general, much more than they like white people.

    Yes, Jews have been specifically targeted.

    These attacks are racist in nature. Of that I am almost 100% certain.

    The fact that ONE black woman was attacked among the dozens of these attacks only PROVES THE RACIAL NATURE OF THE PREPONDERANCE OF THESE ATTACKS.

  5. Pasto,
    Oh, I'm not disagreeing with you. I agree that these are race-based attacks.

    Don't people know that they are? Sure. But they're pretending not to know -- from what I've seen. I've been a bit out of touch with the news the past few days. Other things have been on my mind.
