
Friday, January 03, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Consensual Sex Between A Man And Woman Is “Always Rape” Because “It Is An Act of Violence” Against Women

Someone get this woman some Thorazine: 

Just to recall a basic fact: Intercourse/PIV is always rape, plain and simple.This is a developed recap from what I’ve been saying in various comments here and there in the last two years or so. as a radfem I’ve always said PIV is rape and I remember being disappointed to discover that so few radical feminists stated it clearly. How can you possibly see it otherwise? Intercourse is the very means through which men oppress us, from which we are not allowed to escape, yet some instances of or PIV and intercourse may be chosen and free? That makes no sense at all.
First, well intercourse is NEVER sex for women. Only men experience rape as sexual and define it as such. Sex for men is the unilateral penetration of their penis into a woman (or anything else replacing and symbolising the female orifice) whether she thinks she wants it or not – which is the definition of rape: that he will to do it anyway and that he uses her and treats her as a receptacle, in all circumstances – it makes no difference to him experiencing it as sexual. That is, at the very least, men use women as useful objects and instruments for penetration, and women are dehumanised by this act. It is an act of violence.As FCM pointed out some time ago, intercourse is inherently harmful to women and intentionally so, because it causes pregnancy in women. The purpose of men enforcing intercourse regularly (as in, more than once a month) onto women is because it’s the surest way to cause pregnancy and force childbearing against our will, and thereby gain control over our reproductive powers.
There is no way to eliminate the pregnancy risk entirely off PIV and the mitigating and harm-reduction practices such as contraception and abortion are inherently harmful, too. Reproductive harms of PIV range from pregnancy to abortion, having to take invasive, or toxic contraception, giving birth, forced child bearing and rearing and all the complications that go with them which may lead up to severe physical and emotional damage, disability, destitution, illness, or death (See for her work on the reproductive harms of PIV, click on the “intercourse series” page or “PIV” in the search bar).
If we compare this to even the crappiest online definition of violence: “behaviour involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something”. Bingo. It fits: Pregnancy = may hurt, damage or kill. Intercourse = a man using his physical force to penetrate a woman. Intention / purpose of the act of intercourse = to cause pregnancy. PIV is therefore intentional harm / violence. Intentional sexual harm of a man against a woman through penile penetration = RAPE.
I guess this could be a joke. Whether it is or not, it's funny as hell.

I wonder if laughing at women is a form of rape? 


  1. Joke? Did you see the comments to the article? Not only she is deranged, all those posting comments are too.

    Is this what the third wave of feminists are predicating? This is beyond stupid. This is very dangerous. If at some point this becomes part of the new totalitarian core educational system, this will be very harmful for men, women, and the survival of the species.

    Just remember how frogs are cooked. Would you have believed 50 years ago what´s going on in college campus, entertainment, etc.? Just think of it.

    Thanks for posting this. We were asleep for too long, may now it´s time to take ALL kinds of nonsense seriously, because we know others will.

  2. I was just saying something similar to my wife the other day, CM.

    I was telling her that most of these ideas were born in the 60's and these ideas have progressed in intellectual intensity and institutional position/power ever since then.

    When these ideas were first birthed , I thought they were such a joke they were not anything to be concerned with. Even into the 80's and 90's I thought they were a fad we would all grow out of.

    But now they have become the new norm. The thing that has really finished me - made it so I have no sympathy or tolerance for these ideas anymore - is the transgender laws in California where now (as of two days ago) my daughters are expected to share bathrooms and showers with boys who decide they are "of the female gender".

    Additionally, the left's rabid defense of third-trimester abortion has also moved me to great anger.

    I've really just had it. These ideas must die and if that means secession and war, then so be it.

  3. The worse blow given to this society was the watering down of the importance and value of having a family. With the family structure permanently damaged, all other values have also deteriorated, and it's very hard to keep children in line with family values and morals.
