At the time that Bill Clinton first managed to confirm some of our suspicions as to who he really is as a husband and as a man in full, despite being an excellent politician, my final impression was that I could not imagine a more excruciating manner to humiliate the person you have promised before god to protect in all ways.
I am sure that there have been at least several to many to most of the presidents who have managed to jizz up the oval office, if not far more. How this mattered to their partners, if it was NOT with their partners is beyond me.
F Scott Fitzgerald created a bestseller for all ages around the idea that ‘the rich are different from you and I’. Certainly if that is true of the rich, then what of those who are powerful, or see themselves as such?
What we can imagine as intolerable, that is, such public humiliation, then turned on its head as Hillary became just another woman who took what would and should have been a private agony, and turned it into the impression that she like many others would put up with what makes a farce out of relationships and STAND IT, and everything else that went on, in order to keep and expand on personal PRIVILEGE.
Bill Clinton is thus just like any weak man with power finding some receptacle relief with an even weaker woman both of whom were too stupid to envision the consequences after orgasm.
For the republicans now to be trying to make hay of this, REALLY - that humans are not just weak, but TERRIBLY WEAK, and that politicians make compromises in life as well as in the White House strikes me as a losing proposition.
Bill Clinton is a pig, and probably a predatory one, but a gifted pol. His wife has other capabilities and weaknesses. Neither have done well in this regard.
But this is 18 years later. We have other problems. Those who dislike the idea of Bill’s wife as president should be making pronouncements about those.
Rand Paul has a winner with NSA criticism. This Clinton thing is a SUPREME loser.
As Mr. Groom would put it - ‘that’s all I have to say about that’
I agree there's a bigger dog in this fight, but since the Dems constantly push this "War Against Women" meme, I don't see anything wrong with reminding them of Kathleen Willie, Juanita Broderick, Paula Jones, et al.
ReplyDeleteAnd if Hillary wants to keep pushing on that, I think conservatives should push back with the reality the MSM doesn't want to acknowledge
The standards, real or imaginary, needed to reach the highest office in the land have been consistently lowered during the last decades. The nominations of Obama, Hillary and Palin have lowered the bar to unimaginable pits. Obama's past was a black hole(non pun intended,) Hillary's trajectory depicted a ruthless woman, blind to everything in order to hold on and to increase her power, and Palin was a pastiche which might have qualified her for governor and maybe US Representative, certainly not VP and future president.
ReplyDeleteBut for the Democrat Party to even think of nominating Hillary for president, and having millions of fools supporting her, is an insult to any balanced individual on the face of the earth!
Nothing . . .and I mean N-O-T-H-I-N-G is off the table when it comes to using past events against that witch when it comes to what she considers her 'throne'. Damn it, after what the left has done to every potential conservative candidate - only a fool will keep a 'hands off' approach to her many weaknesses.
ReplyDeleteShe follows NO rules but her own. The gloves are off.
I am not talking about justice, right, or truth here, I am talking WHAT WORX.
ReplyDeletePeople who are struggling to pay mortgages, electric and heating, and worried more than anything else about what is happening tmw AM, do NOT want to hear about a 20 year old BLOW JOB as a reason to question Hillary.
The first time I was in Thailand (80's) and got around in Bangkok and then out in the country I thought to myself ... 'I would lead a Communist revolution if I lived here'. Why? Because people who are living like this want something which will solve the FOOD AND SHELTER problems TOMORROW,and they cannot afford to give a shit about about pol. theory.
That distinction is a LUXURY for those among whom worry increases every month.
We should all be keeping this in mind.
No thx EPA. Commie revolutions never solved hunger or shelter issues.