
Saturday, March 01, 2014

Another One Of "Those Things"

Somehow I missed this story, dated February 27, 2014.  Probably because of some goings-on at work.

Via Gateway Pundit:
After 3 Years, 2 Months & 10 Days – Tea Party Patriots Granted Tax Exempt Status By Phone Call on Eve of Congressional Testimony

After 3 years, 2 months, and 10 days; after thousands of man-hours, after tens of thousands of dollars in legal and accounting fees – the IRS called Jenny Beth Martin of the Tea Party Patriots to inform her that the conservative 501(c)(4) group was given tax-exempt status.

This was just hours before her testimony today before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Subcommittee on the IRS targeting scandal....
This morning, I stumbled across this in the Wall Street Journal:
Connecting the Dots in the IRS Scandal: The 'smoking gun' in the targeting of conservative groups has been hiding in plain sight

The mainstream press has justified its lack of coverage over the Internal Revenue Service targeting of conservative groups because there's been no "smoking gun" tying President Obama to the scandal. This betrays a remarkable, if not willful, failure to understand abuse of power. The political pressure on the IRS to delay or deny tax-exempt status for conservative groups has been obvious to anyone who cares to open his eyes. It did not come from a direct order from the White House, but it didn't have to....
Worth reading.

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