
Monday, March 03, 2014

Barack Obama: US Won’t Be Able to Defend Israel If Peace Talks Fail

So much for friendship and alliances. The King has spoken.


  1. BREAKING ! RUSSIAN FORCES POSE ULTIMATUM unless they surrender before 5 am tomorrow (04.03), an
    attack will start on Ukrainian military units throughout Crimea unless they surrender by 05,00 Am Tomorrow

  2. Will,
    IMO, it's not a bluff.

    WWOD? [What will Obama do?]

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. My guess if that's a big if Putin would be willing to start WWIII (Backing from China second front), there wouldn't be much in Europe to stop him from reaching the North Sea
    in two weeks......Unless nuclear weapons are used.

    I expected Russia to move in maybe Three years, he's still modernizing and building his new army, but events forced his hand.

    I'm pretty convinced as we speak his top of the line nuclear sub is at the poles or closer for a first strike.

    Russians don't go to the washroom without 'A Plan'.

  5. Certainly Russia could roll over Eastern Europe. We won't do shit about it. President Pantywaste will be too busy changing his Depends over and over.

  6. Maybe Obama really dislikes Israel and her existence, BUT here's the good news, based on current events Bibi could seize everything from the Med to the Iranian border, and Obama and Kerry would do NOTHING except ban Sabra Hummus from the WH!
