
Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Nukes Used At IRS Hearing: Elijah Cummings Goes Ballistic at IRS Targeting Scandal Hearing (Video)



Lois Lerner Again Took the Fifth at Congressional Hearing

Democrats are very worried about the IRS targeting scandal.

Do you realize how fucking asinine this is???

The Hearing was over. Lerner took the Fifth. Before the hearing was adjourned Elijah Cummings had ample opportunity to ask questions.

But he did not do so.

Then after the hearing is adjourned, he phrases a "question" in the form of a Slander Against Darrell Issa.

Who will rid me of this meddlesome dumbfuck?

Business Insider:
Rep. Elijah Cummings, the Democratic ranking member on the House Oversight Committee, flipped out at Republican Chairman Darrell Issa during a hearing on the IRS’ targeting of certain conservative groups Wednesday morning.
Issa hauled former IRS official Lois Lerner back before the committee Wednesday morning as part of his ongoing investigation into the IRS’ scrutiny of certain conservative groups that applied for tax-exempt status.
Lerner, as expected, invoked her right to plead the Fifth Amendment in the investigation, as she had when she testified last year. After she pleaded the Fifth Amendment, Issa adjourned the hearing, saying he saw “no point in going further.”
Cummings was not ready for the hearing to end. He began shouting, and Issa cut off his microphone. After he convinced Issa to let him ask a question, Cummings began screaming into the microphone again — at which point Issa shut off his microphone for a second time.
Congressional Democrats at the hearing shouted, “Shame! Shame!” as Issa shut off Cummings’ microphone.
“I am a member of the Congress of the United States of America! I am tired of this!” Cummings said. He continued railing, calling the investigation “un-American.”
Issa told Cummings he gave him the opportunity to ask his question and walked out of the room.


  1. It's a pure deflection move. Cummings gives the nightly news a diversion. Now the story isn't "Lerner takes the fifth" the story is "white republican disrespects African American lawmaker."

    If this move wasn't planned in advance it's only because it has become reflexive.

    Hillary Clinton did exactly the same thing with her "what does it matter" Bengazi testimony. In that case it was evil Republican picking on a woman.

  2. I agree with your analysis.

    That does not make it any less a slander of Issa.

    Elijah Scummings is a total fool, and yet in our burgeoning Idiocracy, he is lauded as a man to be admired.

  3. This clip was clearly edited to fit the agenda of the idiot conservatives. Funny how it doesn't show what really happened at the hearing. Typical.

  4. What really happened? Why don't you fill us in?

  5. I watched live what happened, funny how it is getting twisted, cumming wanted to go on another one of his stupid little political rants like he always does, completely violating procedure, he was given a chance to give an opening statement he refused, then he was given a chance to ask questions, and he wanted to start his soapbox preaching. completely unprofessional, of course I expect no better from a democrat, seems to be what they do, debbie wassserman shultz famous eye roll and 12 year old attitude, crazy harry reids blatant lies, Gerald Connolly disrespecting a hearing with his childish behavior, and the list goes on and on, THEY ARE WHATS WRONG IN WASHINGTON! UNPROFESSIONAL!
