
Friday, June 20, 2014

A World At Peace?

Obama has recently claimed, "The world is less violent than it has ever been."

Liar, liar!  Pants on fire!

From the Washington Post on June 20, 2014:
There are now more than 50 million displaced people, highest since World War II

The war in Syria. The war in South Sudan. The conflicts in the Central African Republic, Iraq, Kenya and Afghanistan. It adds up.

There are now a staggering number of refugees, asylum-seekers and displaced people.

In fact, a U.N. agency reported Friday, the number in 2013 exceeded 50 million people.

It’s not been that high since the post-World War II era, when half the globe or more was dislocated.


Other staggering numbers from the report:

An estimated 10.7 million individuals were newly displaced due to conflict or persecution in 2013.

An average of 32,200 individuals per day were forced to leave their homes and seek protection elsewhere due to conflict and persecution in 2013.

Lebanon hosted the most refugees in relation to its population – 178 refugees per 1,000 inhabitants.

More than 46 percent (5.4 million) of the refugees under UNHCR’s mandate resided in countries where the GDP per capita was less than $5,000.

1 comment:

  1. The war in Syria - Islam
    The war in S. Sudan - Islam
    The war in C,A.R. - Islam
    The war in Iran - Islam
    The war in Kenya - Isalm
    The war in Afghanistan - Islam

    I am beginning to get a picture.
