
Wednesday, October 01, 2014

European Space Agency: Global Warming Is Causing a Loss of Gravity on Earth

Everyone give up your diets. You're gonna lost weight no matter what.

Hell, you might not even be able to stick to the ground anymore.

From Slate:
Gravity—yes, gravity—is the latest victim of climate change in Antarctica. That’s the stunning conclusion announced Friday by the European Space Agency. 
“The loss of ice from West Antarctica between 2009 and 2012 caused a dip in the gravity field over the region,” writes the ESA, whose GOCE satellite measured the change. 
Apparently, melting billions of tons of ice year after year has implications that would make even Isaac Newton blanch. 
Here’s the data visualized. It reminds me of those first images of the ozone hole, decades ago. To be fair, the change in gravity is very small. It’s not like you’ll float off into outer space on your next vacation to the Antarctic Peninsula. The biggest implication is the new measurements confirm global warming is changing the Antarctic in fundamental ways. 
Earlier this year, a separate team of scientists announced that major West Antarctic glaciers have begun an “unstoppable” “collapse,” committing global sea levels to a rise of several meters over the next few hundred years.


  1. I knew that was happening 10 years ago, though I did not know it was global warming, I thought it was just a unique and most peculiar planetary alignment. Had I but known it was global warming, the judge would surely have sympathized.

    I was chugging along my merry way down a newly built empty highway when my my car was gripped by a gravitational anomaly and hurled down the road. With the greatest of difficulties I managed to slow it down, even the policeman behind me admitted that he could not keep up with me.

    Damn that global warming, those gravitational anomalies are wicked.

  2. They used to happen to me quite often too.

    But then I stopped drinking.


  3. When did Slate merge with "The Onion"?

  4. This is not Slate or the Onion. It is the European Space Research Agency.

    I was stone cold sober on a Sunday morning. I would never do 140 drunk.
