
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

State Dept. Memo shows Obama Administration is going to move Ebola patients to USA?

Who is our President?

FOX News says the Obama Administration is denying the claim:
The Obama administration is denying claims that they are exploring plans to bring non-U.S. citizens infected with Ebola to the United States for treatment.
Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, initially told Fox News that his office has received “information from within the administration” that such plans are being developed. So far, only American Ebola patients have been brought back to the U.S. for treatment from the disease epicenter in West Africa.
Goodlatte warned that expanding that policy could put the country at more risk.
“Members of the media, my office have received confidential communications saying that those plans are being developed,” Goodlatte said Monday night.
“This is simply a matter of common sense that if you are concerned about this problem spreading — and this is a deadly disease that we’re even concerned about the great health care workers when they come back not spreading it — we certainly shouldn’t be bringing in the patients.”
But a State Department official said Tuesday that they’re only talking about letting other countries use U.S. planes to transport Ebola patients to their own home countries


  1. Comment at Free Republic by Cincinatus' Wife
    John P. Holdren, Science and Technology Adviser for Barack Obama 2008 - Present.

    "....Holdren gave a clear indication of his philosophical views in the 1977 book Ecoscience, which he co-authored with Paul and Anne Ehrlich. In its pages, the authors noted, "The neo-Malthusiasn view proposes...population limitation and redistribution of wealth." They concluded, "On these points, we find ourselves firmly in the neo-Malthusian camp."

    Economist Thomas Malthus is one of the most literally anti-human theorists in human history. He viewed overpopulation as the fount of all woe, but one which could be staunched with enough blood. In "An Essay on the Principle of Population" Malthus wrote, "All the children who are born, beyond what would be required to keep up the population to a desired level, must necessarily perish, unless room be made for them by the death of grown persons...if we dread the too frequent visitation of the horrid form of famine, we should sedulously encourage the other forms of destruction, which we compel nature to use...and court the return of the plague." Like their intellectual forebear, Holdren and the Ehrlichs proposed their own acceptable sacrifice to the environment....."

    Obama's Biggest Radical - articles and views.

    More: More history and articles on John P. Holdren

  2. Nurse suing? What nurse has the time or money for something that is basically going to be over and done with long before it comes up in court.THIS IS NOT A NURSE. THIS IS A CDC EMPLOYEE CARRYING OUT GOVERNMENT POLICY. Now you you can enter me too on the long list of conspiracy theorists.

    What we urgently need now is a couple of new ebola cases from those involved in the recent treatment. If we get it before the election it will stop the government letting anyone even near the country. They will of course swear blind that was their intention all along, they just did not want to scare the public.

  3. I refer you to your previous post:
    "... Like their intellectual forebear, Holdren and the Ehrlichs proposed their own acceptable sacrifice to the environment....."

    Don't you think this Ebola mickey mousing by the administration is on line with the senior adviser on science and technology?

    What did Malthus put it? "... we should sedulously encourage the other forms of destruction, which we compel nature to use...and court the return of the plague." That sounds quite to the point, does it not?

  4. Should read: is on line with the senior adviser on science and technology's philosophy
