Erik Rush is the Journalist who broke the story about Barack Obama's Pastor, Jeremiah Wright. Rush has been consistently and extremely critical of Barak Obama ever since he came on the scene.
In this piece, Rush explains exactly why it is imperative that a Republican House and Senate dig through all the disgusting details of how the Obama Administration has defrauded and attacked America these past six years.
From Erik Rush:
Despite having the weakest of grasps pertaining to just what it took to build this great nation and what it takes to maintain on so many levels, we know that progressives harbor the summary belief that they ought to run everything.
I wouldn’t be first person to make the observation that progressives are also narcissistic in the extreme, as well as often being cases of arrested emotional development.
Case in point: Back in August, atheist scientist Lawrence M. Krauss asserted that religion could be essentially done away with in a generation if we simply changed how children were taught about faith and religious systems is schools.
For those familiar with the history of communism in America, this is probably old news – but here we are in 2014, with a prominent liberal scientist espousing the same manifesto component grubby East Coast Marxists were committing to coffee shop napkins back in the 1940s – before going on to become school system superintendents.
“[I]f we can plant the seeds of doubt in our children,” Krauss said, “religion will go away in a generation, or at least largely go away – and that’s what I think we have an obligation to do.”
And if that doesn’t work, I suppose there’s always gunpoint – the route communist ascendency has always taken in the end.
So what is Lawrence Krauss’ field of expertise? Religion? Education? Sociology? Psychology? Nope. Theoretical physics. So where does he get off pontificating on religion, education and sociology?
Well, he’s a progressive, of course – and with a Ph.D. in Physics from MIT, he’s practically a deity.
It was, of course, an imperative for liberals to convince Americans that they hold the intellectual high ground – meaning that they’re smarter than everyone else – for their designs to be successful. Obviously, we would trust them more if we believed that they knew what they were doing.
Having relativized morality, they’ve also factored in the curious notion that they occupy the moral high ground. This, as contradictory as it sounds, creates for them the moral imperative to behave amorally in order to achieve said ends. They’ve been called “deranged,” too – and now you understand why.
The testimony of Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber (another MIT professor, by the way) in a recent panel discussion has been getting some press lately. In addition to having articulated that the “stupidity of the American voter” was instrumental in the effort to get Obamacare passed, his oratory was essentially the smoking gun for the administration having lied to the American people to get that blatantly socialist piece of legislation passed.
“This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the [individual] mandate as taxes,” Gruber said. “If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies. OK, so it’s written to do that. … Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass.”
Gruber has since apologized for the indelicacy of his “stupid voters” gaffe, but not for his part in having perpetrated a massive fraud and calculatedly defecated all over the heretofore constitutionally protected rights of the American people.
What’s particularly disgusting about this is that we have a situation in this country where people in government feel perfectly comfortable lying about a blatant attempt to legislate away Americans’ rights in a wholesale manner, and then admitting to it four years later without fear of being dragged out onto the Capitol Mall and burned in a bonfire with their co-conspirators.
Many Americans are hopeful for what the new Republican majority in Congress may be able to accomplish toward stifling Obama’s agenda. One thing we need to remember is that in the world of the liberal (progressive-socialist) politician, it is the electorate that is to be blamed, derided, even punished if they don’t see things “the right way.” We’ve already seen this in the rhetoric of some of the losing Democratic candidates and their supporters.
This has serious potential implications with regard to this president, given his demonstrated deep psychological pathology. In a very real sense, it may be more important now than it was before the election that congressional Republicans sincerely seek the truth in the case of such things as Benghazi, Fast and Furious and the IRS scandal.
I’ve said that the most significant aspect of the recent midterm election was that it demonstrated the dissatisfaction of the American people. The problem lies in that they’re really not aware of what they’re dissatisfied with, at least not in terms of the root causes and conditions; these lie in the political culture that currently exists, rather than in the Obama administration itself.
While Obama and his cronies have been very successful at operating outside the realm of believability (in that so many remain unconvinced they’re really out to destroy America as we know it), I think that Americans are far more open to digesting the truth about them now than ever before.
Investigations into the plethora of scandals in which administration officials have been implicated are a logical first step. This is the real lesson Americans at large need to learn, and would learn given such a scenario: that a system which could propel an utterly insubstantial, 6-foot-3 bowel extrudate with less in the way of accomplishments than most grade schoolers to the highest office in the land is a system that definitely needs a major overhaul.And with that in mind, here's the truth:
Fraud is a Federal Crime - A Felony.
Watch the damage control go into full swing.