
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

So What's the Worst That Can Happen?

East Lancashire Kids Get Flu Vaccine Made From Pig Gelatine

Muslim Officials Upset Because Pigs Are - of course! - "Sinful"

They Want a Non-pig Alternative

My Solution: Don't Take Flu Vaccine. Get the Flu. Solves a lot of problems.

East Lancs Muslims’ shock at flu ‘pig vaccine’

From the Lancashire Telegraph

By Lawrence Dunhill

PUBLIC health bosses have been slammed for failing to offer a 'suitable' vaccine to Muslim children as part of a major new flu immunisation programme.

Thousands of East Lancashire youngsters, aged between 11 and 13, are being offered the new nasal spray , which is made with gelatine derived from pigs, as part of a pilot scheme.

To Article

1 comment:

  1. Isn't the position for really intense vomiting spasms pretty much the same position in which Muslims pray?

    Talking about killing two birds with one stone.
