
Monday, December 15, 2014

New York City Mayor De Blasio Uses the Word “Allegedly’’ to Describe Vicious Mob Attack on Two NYPD Lieutenants

Mayor de Blasio has again spit in the face of city cops — using the word “allegedly’’ to describe the vicious mob attack on two NYPD lieutenants, outraged police reps said Sunday.
Bending over backward to praise the city’s anti-cop protesters for their “peaceful’’ behavior — even as some chanted on Saturday night, “What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!” — the mayor said the attack was “an incident . . . in which a small group of protesters allegedly assaulted some members of the NYPD.”
“When cops are the accused, the word ‘alleged’ never enters into the discussion,” fumed Michael Palladino, president of the NYPD Detectives’ Endowment Association.
Ed Mullins of the Sergeants Benevolent Association, called de Blasio a “total nincompoop” for his handling of the situation.
“His actions are contributing to the injuries that are being received by the NYPD,” Mullins said.
“Maybe he should be out there to take the broken nose for the lieutenant. Ask him if he’d be willing to stand out there and take the punches for the cops,” he added.
Some cops were even comparing de Blasio to his political mentor, ex-Mayor David Dinkins, who was reviled for apologizing to the family of a drug dealer killed while resisting arrest, and then paying for the thug’s funeral, in th early 1990s.
“[De Blasio] is at a crossroads right now where he’s going to have to figure out what side he’s standing on,” a source said. “With cops ending up in hospitals, he can’t play both sides forever.”
The two lieutenants who were beaten on the bridge work in the department’s Legal Bureau — and were on the scene to ensure that protesters’ civil rights were respected by cops.
They were punched and kicked in their faces and heads when they went to arrest a CUNY professor, Eric Linsker, 29, of Brooklyn, as he tried to heave a garbage can onto other cops from an elevated walkway.
Nice to see a so-called “professor” assaulting cops, huh?
Linsker, of Crown Heights, is an adjunct professor teaching an English composition course at Baruch College in Manhattan, according to a statement released by the college.
Linsker was arraigned Sunday evening on a single count of second-degree assault, three counts of fourth-degree criminal possession of a weapon, and one count each of resisting arrest, first degree rioting and unlawful possession of marijuana, court records show.
Meanwhile, the “mostly peaceful” protesters egged on by Obama pal Al Sharpton called for thedeath of police Saturday. Charming:

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