From James Lewis at American Thinker:
The single most shocking fact today is that the U.S. government, under President Obama, is constantly colluding with the enemy. Check out of the facts for yourself. Don't take anybody's word for it. Make your own informed decision. This is a question not of opinion, but of fact.
When a serving U.S. president has lost Foreign Policy magazine, the in-house trade union rag for the State Department, things have come to a bad pass. But here is Foreign Policy on Obama's "pivoting to Iran."
Iran is now going nuclear, courtesy of Barack Hussein Obama.
But wait! Our good friend Recip Erdoğan of Turkey, "Obama's best friend in the Middle East" is now supporting ISIS – the worst mass murdering would-be regime on the Sunni side of the street.
Turkey has openly established recruiting stations for ISIS, called "IS consulates," and Obama's next "best friend"
Qatar is feeding billions of dollars to ISIS. Meanwhile, the Muslim Brotherhood, Obama's biggest ideological ally, is also backing ISIS.
Don't believe the cover story that ISIS just mushroomed up by a miraculous dispensation from on high.
You may not remember the name of Mohammed Elibiary, a top advisor to our Homeland Security folks. Mr. Elibiary is a big name among the Moobs (naturally). Patrick Poole has a nice summary of Mr. Elibiary's thoughts here. In a sane world, this man should be on our terrorist suspect list, but instead he is "advising" our Department of Homeland Security.
(And you remember Huma Abedin, another Moober loyalist, walking with Hillary with their heads devoutly covered over? Muslim Brotherhood money goes to the Clintons, the Carters, and the Obamas, and they all give real value for that money.)
The Moobers are a Muslim fascist cult going back to 1928, when the Mufti of Jerusalem was in an open alliance with Hitler, helping to send Arabs troops to fight for the Nazis. In 1970 the Moobs assassinated Egypt's president, Anwar Sadat, for making peace with Israel. In 2011 they were complicit in the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak, who was also trying to keep the Egypt-Israel peace treaty alive.
And today, in collusion with Obama, the Moobers are in open rebellion against the government of President El Sisi, the biggest peace advocate in the Arab world. (See below.)
All the signs therefore point to Obama as a major backer of ISIS on the one side, and of the Khomeinist nuclear-going tyranny on the other. If they're really unspeakably evil, you can expect Obama to support them.
Obama's half-brother Malik Obama is a big Muslim Brotherhood money man. The MBs have espoused jihad against the modern world since 1928, when their organization was founded. Malik "oversees Muslim Brotherhood investments worldwide," and that means buying up politicians, like you-know-who. Malik is also a funder of Hamas, which has an identical war theology to ISIS's.
The Muslim Brotherhood assassinated President Anwar Sadat of Egypt forty years ago for making peace with Israel.
After Obama pressured Egypt's longest-lasting peace-keeping president, Hosni Mubarak, into leaving office, at the beginning of the completely fraudulent "Arab Spring," a Muslim Brotherhood thug was "elected" president and started to purge the judiciary and military in Egypt. Egypt's political elites revolted, and with the help of Saudi Arabia, they overthrew the Islamic fascists in favor of General El Sisi.
This administration still hates El Sisi and is still plotting with the Muslim Brotherhood against El Sisi.
Every single time, Obama backs the worst criminals against more civilized forces. Just look at the facts.
Don't think the Egyptians don't know what Obama is doing. In the Middle East, in Moscow and Paris, everybody knows what Obama is doing. Only the victims of media propaganda are still in denial.
Obama's collusion with undeniable evil is especially hard for Americans to believe, because it's emotionally painful to see your own president colluding with the worst mass murderers since the Nazis. Just keep looking at the facts.
The White House just lied its head off again, this time about the Taliban, who now are "not really terrorists."
The Taliban knowingly protected Osama bin Laden while he was planning the 9/11/01 attacks on New York City, but they are "not terrorists."
The Taliban tried to assassinate Malala Yousafzai (now winner of a Nobel Peace Prize) for advocating education for girls and women in Afghanistan, but they are "not terrorists." To Obama it's only Republicans who are terrorists.
What Mr. Obama does not support is Muslims who want peace, and who are willing to risk their lives to say so. The most prominent example of a pro-peace leader today is President El Sisi of Egypt, who just told his religious establishment at Al Azhar University in Cairo that Islam "needs a religious revolution."
Obama said nothing. Instead, he just keeps backing the most barbaric and disgusting ideology in the world.
Can't wait to see the reaction to this article at my Facebook timeline. Some of my FB friends are diehard Dems. Heh.
ReplyDeleteThe article mistakenly states:
ReplyDelete"In 1970 the Moobs assassinated Egypt's president, Anwar Sadat, for making peace with Israel."
Anwar Sadat assumed office in 1970. He was assassinated in 1981.
You're RIGHT!
ReplyDeleteThanks for pointing that out.