
Saturday, March 07, 2015

"A Menendez indictment will be a departure for Justice under Attorney General Eric Holder, who has previously refused to prosecute sitting members of Congress.”

The National Legal and Policy Center
Menendez does not sound thrillingly clean, but I have the horrible feeling he is no worse or better than most. 
However, as is the CASE with this administration, where every breath is another chance to politicize, polarize and divide, Menendez, in telling Obama he sounded as if he was uttering ‘talking points written in Teheran’, and then addressing AIPAC in a similar tone, SEALED this action.
Chicago rules.
It’s done little good for this nation, which now finds every typical police dept under a baleful eye of ‘statistics’ of arrests, traffic tickets, stops by race, religion, ethnicity, and LGBT values and who knows what else. Even the LACK of such stats are probably the cause for, as the president put it yesterday “COLLECTIVE ACTION”, since avoiding this monitoring by federal authority would mean evading federal authority by guilt.
Interesting choice of words and view. “COLLECTIVE ACTION”
Even the punishments of kindergarten and pre-k schools have been divided by color in this nation, and attracted the attention of Mr. Holder, REMEMBER?
Of course, outright voter intimidation DID NOT.
Full disclosure. I have now, recently been compelled to the conclusion that everything this admin has been doing they are not doing out of naivety, or inexperience, or attention to our better angels.
No doubt, Mr. Menendez is convinced as well.
Interesting, that in all this not ONE WORD has been heard from Chuck Schumer.

1 comment:

  1. The November 2014 Elections didn't matter one damn. Not a single damn. The Obama administration is going to continue to do what it does -- and get away with it.

    Stalin-esque is the word I think of as I read about the Menendez indictment.
