
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Catholic University Officials Approve Club to Raise Money For ISIS

Catholic university officials caught on secret video approving student club devoted to raising money for ISIS, saying: ‘We’re here to get that done.’

Administrators at a Catholic university in Florida agreed to help an honors student start a campus club that would send money and supplies to the ISIS terror army. 
Hidden camera footage released Monday morning shows officials and faculty at Barry University advising a senior – identified only as ‘Laura’ – about the best way to secure funding for a club she called ‘Sympathetic Students in Support of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.’ 
‘I want to start fundraising efforts on campus, and what I want to do is raise funds to send overseas,’ she told Derek Bley, the school’s Coordinator for Leadership Development and Student Organizations. 
Bley offered to help her create the organization and agreed with her request to ‘pass out Islamic State flags and educate people’ at an annual student ‘Festival of Nations’ fair. 
The video is from Project Veritas, a conservative ‘guerilla film-making group’ that last week captured a Cornell University dean agreeing that ISIS and Hamas would be welcome at the Ivy League school.

1 comment:

  1. Nihil Obstat? If we had a real Pope he'd shut the place down.
