
Saturday, March 28, 2015

The Telegraph: Andreas Lubitz planned spectacular gesture that would go down in history, claims ex-girlfriend

"Able to Hide Secrets"

The Telegraph ; Andreas Lubitz planned spectacular gesture that would go down in history, claims ex-girlfriend

Airbus crash pilot Andreas Lubitz had been planning a spectacular gesture to make everyone “remember” who he was, it was claimed on Friday night. 
An ex-girlfriend of the Germanwings pilot who crashed his plane in the French Alps, killing all 149 others on board, described him as “tormented” and able to hide secrets. 
Maria, 26 (not her real name), told Bild newspaper that when she heard about the crash she remembered that he had said he was going do something “that would change the system” and “make everyone remember” him. 
She added: “It didn’t make sense at the time but now it all does.” Maria, who is thought to have met Lubitz at work, said he would wake up at night screaming in terror: “We’re going down.”
Lets say for the sake of argument that he was not a muslim. 
The media reaction has been horror, fascination, curiosity and a desperate need to know the motive for this action. This should illustrate something very important about us as a people and even our media, including the parts of the media desperately trying to cover up the nature of islam and worse, act on policies that islam must always be written about as if it was benign and ‘the victim.’ 
Notice how it is clear in all articles that what this man did was anathema. It was an exception. A crime. Had he done it for jihad, which still may be the case, it would be no surprise to anyone. 
The point is that human nature is what it is and each culture or religion is a system which tries to make it all work in some way by emphasizing some aspects of our nature as virtues and others we suppress as sins or crimes or monstrosities. Islam is an inversion of Western culture whether its Judeo-Christian or secular humanist or game theory based logic with an axiom of reduction of suffering and maximizing of freedoms. Islam takes inflicting suffering and makes it a virtue. It calls the murder of other people martyrdom as opposed to our notions, which are the sacrifice of the selves for others. 
In other words, islam can be seen for what it is even in the reactions we have to the extremely rare case of a non-muslim committing an atrocious act like this. We know this is not how we think or behave. That it is horrifying to us. We do not celebrate this. 
It is also very important to note that some jihadi pages have claimed this man is a hero of islam. What a magnificent example of the raw depravity of that system of living that they would claim as their own with pride and joy someone who is likely not even a member of their cult, but because he committed an atrocity of such magnitude by murdering over a hundred people and from a position of trust, perhaps the worst kind of crime in non-islamic culture, that they would make him an honorary muslim in their eyes. 
Few have taken notice of this. But this is a great time for a moment of sober reflection by the media. Often by the mirror image can we better know a thing. The fact that The Islamic State has taken credit for this action is not evidence that he was a muslim by any stretch. But it is evidence that Islam feels this was a great and noble act. 
When sunnis destroy and kill shiias, we do not delight in it and say, ‘what a great hero for the West’ even if there is some schadenfreude in it. More typically we would know that this is simply more classical and orthodox islamic behaviour and an example of the reasons we oppose it. 

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