
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

ISIS Using Baltimore Riots to Recruit Muslim Operatives

From WND:
ISIS is taking advantage of racial tensions in the U.S. by attempting to recruit dissatisfied Muslims among the American black population. This according to Abu Saqer, leader of Jihadiya Salafiya, an Islamist militant group in the Gaza Strip. 
Jihadiya Salafiya represents al-Qaida in Gaza and has made statements in support of ISIS. Saqer, speaking to WND from Gaza, would not provide further details other than to confirm ISIS is taking advantage of what he described as the “growing movement within the black community toward Islam and the racist policies of the U.S. government.” 
Saqer said he was not aware of whether ISIS actually recruited any dissatisfied black Muslims within the U.S. or whether any such cells have been established. 
He said Arabic Internet forums supportive of ISIS were “encouraged” by what he claimed was a pro-ISIS T-shirt worn by Ferguson protesters that became popular on social media. 
It appears, however, that ISIS supporters may have misunderstood the intent of the message written on that grammatically incorrect shirt, which reads: “I rather get stopped by ISIS terrorist than Ferguson PD.” 
The shirt clearly was not meant as a sign of support ISIS. It’s not the first report of ISIS viewing the racial protests in America as possible fertile recruiting grounds. The protests in recent days have spread to Baltimore, where some protesters have turned violent.

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