
Sunday, April 19, 2015

School faces massive backlash for HIJAB DAY

From Biz Pac Review:
The idea was to give female students the option of wearing a hijab for the day, then set aside some time for discussion and reflection. reported: 
The event was sponsored by MHS’ Muslim Student Association, but an email promoting it came from MHS’ Student Activities Department. In her letter, McCarty-Stewart said that should not have happened. 
The event was student-led rather than school-sponsored, she said, adding that MHS will put policies in place to ensure further communication from the school email account is limited to school-sponsored events. 
But as word spread throughout the community, backlash to the event grew. 
“My belief is wearing these hijabs represents the oppression of women and Sharia law,” former school board candidate Sharon Poe said. 
“I do not recall ever getting an email announcing a Christian Cross Wearing day or a booth for information about the Christian persecution from Islamic terrorists. What happen to the argument of the separation of church and state?”

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