
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Stanford Student Running For Student Senate Questioned About Being Jewish

Considering How Hot She Is
A Much More Reasonable Question Would Have Been
Do You Want To "Date" Pastorius?

From Legal Insurrection:
We were one of the first to report how a candidate for the UCLA Judicial Board was questioned about being Jewish. The supposed logic of the questioning was that her affiliation with Jewish groups on campus might render her unfit because anti-Israel divestment issues may come before the Board. 
The UCLA incident went viral and received national attention because it was on video. (The UCLA student government took down the video, but Legal Insurrection already had saved it.) A similar situation is reported by The Stanford Review, in which candidate 
Molly Horwitz alleges she was questioned about her Jewishness by the Students of Color Coalition (SOCC), from which she was seeking an endorsement: 
For many candidates, the Students of Color Coalition (SOCC) endorsement is the most sought-after due to its large size and impressive influence. SOCC is an umbrella group for six student organizations — listed at the end of this article — and works assiduously for its chosen candidates. 
After filling out an endorsement application, Ms. Horwitz was one of a limited number of candidates selected to interview for the SOCC endorsement.


  1. Keep all this divestment shit up.

    China is already stepping in to fill the void. Israel has come to the sad conclusion that US is an unreliable ally and no longer deserves unquestioning allegiance.

    Israel high tech is cutting edge and China knows it. Expect to see accelerating cooperation between these two in the near future. (Russia being a stupid Bear can't help but back a loser like Iran.)

    US blowing both its feet off in the process.
