
Friday, April 03, 2015

The ‘Deal’

Of course it’s actually, if you read the middle case of the blurring, worse than I personally had expected, but one thing is emerging.

Either this ‘framework’ was written so artfully that both sides are able to say what they are without lying, in which case the deal represents NOTHING but an extension to June 30.

Or .. someone is a liar about what the deal is.

Iran is certainly no stranger to lying

This White House is no stranger to the MOST SIGNIFICANT LIES imaginable.

‘If you like your policy you can keep your policy’ is up there with the Gulf of Tonkin in degree of importance to Obama. There is, given what we know, absolutely NO CHANCE Obama thought this promise true. And then on the critical issue to him, the implementation was an UTTER DISASTER forced via side deals down the throat of an obstinate minority which was faced with disdain whenever they wanted real compromise.


Only this time republicans are in the majority and a 2/3 majority in the House and Senate are within reach. That is now going to be the battle as the president seeks to GRUBERIZE the Democrats who ARE READY to vote against him.

This president is going to red herring these democrats as either going with him or going to war. This is now about a tale of two men. Chuck Schumer of NY who is about to become the next Minority Leader (and may face a battle over that if he fights the pres), and Steve Israel in the House who was chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

Right now we have Iran already calling the White House “Liar”, and the White House release of agreement details not even mentioning sanctions relief. We have two very different versions of a discussion with Netanyahu.

On balance, and on experience I don’t believe the President.

And even if I did, during the 1920′s in the aftermath of a horrible war the Washington Treaties ‘outlawing’ war and limiting arms, especially navies were an attempt to do on a smaller scale (no nuclear weapons) what is seemingly being attempted now.

Battleships, aircraft carriers, were limited by individual size and total tonnage built.

But the day the treaties expired, an incredible arms race broke out. In fact the Japanese DURING the treaty, built light cruisers with guns that met the criteria to meet the treaty, but had been constructed to accept guns 30% larger, and the day the treaty ended, guess what? During the treaty they researched the manner to build the world’s best naval weapon, the Long Lance torpedo, and then used their torpedo armed heavy cruisers(upgunned to 8″ guns) to WIPE OUT the naval force at Guadalcanal, almost causing the loss of the island.

This all happened because the POLITICAL problems at the end of the treaty had not changed. And THAT is why our deterrence backed treaties with the USSR worked, and those treaties failed as this one will.

Iran in 10 years will be no different unless WE DO SOMETHING ACTIVELY to change that regime and obtain a result as significant as the end of the USSR.

Any takers?

Just remember.

Optimists make headlines. Cynics make history.

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