
Friday, June 19, 2015

My .02 on the South Carolina Killings

You wanna know how you stop the killings like in SC?

Stop this:

First, the scumbag bought a gun at a gun store and PASSED a background check. How the hell could he do that with a drug conviction? So much for that gun control plan.

Second, his roommate knew for months he was planning this and said nothing. Probably agreed with him.

Third, the church was a ‘gun-free’ zone. Basically saying “come shoot us up” just like schools and commercial establishments that tout it. Might as well hang out a sign and say “Rob or kill us”. You see the scumbag didn’t go and try and shoot up the HQ of the Black Panthers or Farrakhan. Wonder why.

Fourth, from almost day one of the racist in the White house, he has stoked the fires of racism and hate by injecting himself into any black/white incident – but never say anything about the hundreds of black killed each month in Chicago and other Democrat run cities/states with stringent gun control.

Fifth, the racist MSNBC and the so called black leadership like that tax evader and shakedown artist Reverend Al Sharpton. Revered my ass.

Sixth, helping our racist-in-chief and his administration with their racist rhetoric, the MSM has been promoting the narrative of a race war in this country – and they will get it this summer.


  1. He bought the gun? I heard that his father gave him the gun.

    Did this scumbag have a drug conviction or merely an arrest on record?

    I've been out of touch all day until now and haven't been hearing updates.

  2. The legal loophole that allowed Dylann Roof to get a gun

  3. Anon from Charleston SC:

    Update to post on TGS thread below. Has been a day of sorrow and strength with many gathering to pray and commemorate the lives of those lost. FYI: Mother Emmanuel AME is almost right in the center of town. It is next to Marion Square where is our Holocaust Memorial and a regular center of community gathering.

    You cannot but be amazed at the graciousness of the survivors who lost loved ones. The testimonies of forgiveness and the almost total absence of rancor has to be experienced to be understood. It's like the usual frustrations and tempers of daily living have been just extinguished. At least for a respectable moment of time. When you see people here cry, the tears are genuine. We all lost friends whether we knew them or not.

  4. Anon from Charleston SC responding to Anon @ 8:50:00:

    Whatever you may know about "AME network", what you say does not apply at Mother Emmanuel. There have never been any Farakahaans or Panthers. Rev. Pinckney was the finest human being. He never let his race or his politics define him. He never supported that. See if you can find and hear the remarks he made after the death of Walter Scott. It will open your eyes. He was a true man of God, so rare today.

    Please do not try to define the community of Charleston, SC from beyond.

    God love you.

  5. He was put up to it by the CIA. Why not?
