
Friday, July 31, 2015

Billion Dollar Babies: Planned Parenthood Workers Laugh While Sorting Through “5-Star” Baby Parts, “Another Boy!”

I'm so scared your little head will come off in my hands ... 

From Newsbusters:
At one point, a buyer asked, “What was that? A crack, was that the just the little bits of the skull?” to which they casually responded, “Mhmm.” 
Ginde, later looking at the dish proclaimed, “It’s a baby” and pointed out the heart. 
The medical assistant also chimed in at one point: “My fingers will smush it if I try to get it out” and laughed over the dead baby, deeming the intact parts worthy of “five stars.” 
Ginde also recognized a baby brain “blasted out” with water, and noted she sometimes doesn’t use water, so that the parts aren’t as “war-torn.” The video ended with one Planned Parenthood medical assistant announcing: “Another boy!”

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