
Thursday, July 30, 2015

LIMBAUGH: We Cry Over Death of Cecil the Lion, But Shrug Off Planned Parenthood?

I don't care whether he was a dentist from Minnesota or a terrorist from ISIS, it is senseless to be let onto a game preserve -- "preserve," protection -- with a bow and arrow and think you are engaging in sport while you kill a lion. It's just senseless. And I understand the sadness. People have an attachment to animals that is inexplicable. What I don't understand... 
Now, Jimmy Kimmel broke down almost in tears last night on his program, and the very same people will express sadness, tears, shock, dismay over the death of Cecil. I love cats, too, and I think Cecil is a great name for a lion. 
In fact, if I ever get another cat I'm gonna name it Cecil in honor of this one. My own cat was disappointed when she found out Cecil was killed. All animals are worried about this. Understand that. 
But how in the world can you get teary-eyed and misty-eyed and sad over Cecil and, at the same time, participate in burying what's happening at Planned Parenthood?


  1. How about the thousands of Christians being butchered by the religion of peace?
    Haven't seen anybody on TV tearing up for them ....

  2. It's just easier to feel sorry for animals, because they are "innocent". (Which is total bullshit - that Lion would kill anyone of us in a second if it had the chance, not that I'm saying that means we should kill all lions).

    What is sick is that people who have these sentimental feelings about animals then credit themselves as being good, moral human beings because THEY HAD A FEELING AND THEY TEARED UP.

    What a sick, sad society we live in.
