
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Third Planned Parenthood Video Features Medical Director Talking Contracts for Procurement of Fetal Tissue, Payment, Negotiation, and the Actual "Procurement" Of Heads, Hands, Arms, and Other "Tissue"

Yay for Planned Parenthood!

I fucking love science!

You know what I love about it? It's settled.


  1. Billboard image
    addressed to PP supporters..."Democrats, pretend it's a baby and abort this IRAN deal! (We'll even let you sell the pieces!)

  2. I foresee a class action lawsuit on behalf of women who've had abortions via PP demanding a piece of the action. After all they paid for the abortion and provided the "fetal tissue." Only fair they get a donor commission.

    Interesting to see which ghoulish attorney goes after this first. Gloria Allred perhaps?
