
Saturday, August 15, 2015

""He said that raping me is his prayer to God." -- ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Repeateldly RAPED US Hostage Kayla Mueller

Religion of Animals

Rapist as Prayer Warrior.

I wonder if Muslims will get up in arms about this?

Or maybe they will just worry about a "backlash".

The Islamic State’s barbaric boss treated American hostage Kayla Mueller as his personal sex slave before she died earlier this year, according at a report published Friday. 
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi repeatedly raped and tortured the 26-year-old Arizona aid worker while she was being held captive in Syria, counter-terrorism officials told ABC News. 
"We were told Kayla was tortured, that she was the property of al-Baghdadi," Kayla's parents, Carl and Marsha Mueller, told ABC News. 
The shadowy Al-Baghdadi went so far as to personally delivered Mueller to the home of ISIS commander Abu Sayyaf, officials said. 
On multiple occasions, Al-Baghdadi returned to the house where Mueller was imprisoned to sexually assault her, the officials told ABC News. 
She was inadvertently killed when the US launched a missile strike at an ISIS site; ISIS sweetly sent over the pictures of her dead body. It seems that death might have been a welcome release. 
Meanwhile, this ghastly story at PJ Media, quoting the New York Times, is worse. 
"He told me that according to Islam he is allowed to rape an unbeliever. He said that by raping me, he is drawing closer to God... He said that raping me is his prayer to God." 
These extraordinary statements come from girls who were kept as sex slaves by jihadis of the Islamic State, as reported in a lengthy and revealing New York Times piece that was published Thursday. 
Not only does the piece illustrate the horrifying ordeal that Yazidi and other non-Muslim women endure --most surprisingly -- the article explains in detail how these monsters believe they are pleasing their bloodthirsty god by destroying these girls. 
Reported the Times' Rukmini Callimachi: In the moments before he raped the 12-year-old girl, the Islamic State fighter took the time to explain that what he was about to do was not a sin. Because the preteen girl practiced a religion other than Islam, the Quran not only gave him the right to rape her -- it condoned and encouraged it, he insisted.  
"He said that raping me is his prayer to God."

Tammy Swofford adds -
Two separate texts in my personal library address the issue of "concubinage" during time of war. These concepts were the kalam (creed) of a nascent Islamic State. The actions of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi are not misinterpretation, rather application, of Islamic text. They are not "narrow interpretation" (as being reported by one media outlet) but rather, broadly understood application of the same. Rape of female captives, and the slave trade of the same, were common practice in the seventh century Islamic cradle . The booty of war was divided among Islamic men with the booty skimmed off the top by a man who called himself "the praised one". 
I have discussed this issue with two Islamic lawyers. One man is part of an Islamic Tribunal. The second, received his law degree from Damascus. These rulings are applicable in a modern age. There was no backing down, when I pressed hard for a logical explanation. The age of nine years was also given as a legal age for men to have intercourse with little girls. In discussing the issue of childhood female genitalia, pelvic girth, possible tissue damage - there was no clear means of reconciling issues of physical trauma induced from childhood rape. 
You cannot tamper with "divine revelation" according to these men. Logic is thrown out the window. Logic is trumped by Allah. As a Christian, I am required to speak the truth with love. When speaking with the lawyers, my love for little girls was met with a cold and harsh reality. What kind of a man and what kind of a God? These are the questions which must be asked when sorting out the story of a praying rapist. 
Tammy Swofford


  1. Two separate texts in my personal library address the issue of "concubinage" during time of war. These concepts were the kalam (creed) of a nascent Islamic State. The actions of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi are not misinterpretation, rather application, of Islamic text. They are not "narrow interpretation" (as being reported by one media outlet) but rather, broadly understood application of the same. Rape of female captives, and the slave trade of the same, were common practice in the seventh century Islamic cradle . The booty of war was divided among Islamic men with the booty skimmed off the top by a man who called himself "the praised one".

    I have discussed this issue with two Islamic lawyers. One man is part of an Islamic Tribunal. The second, received his law degree from Damascus. These rulings are applicable in a modern age. There was no backing down, when I pressed hard for a logical explanation. The age of nine years was also given as a legal age for men to have intercourse with little girls. In discussing the issue of childhood female genitalia, pelvic girth, possible tissue damage - there was no clear means of reconciling issues of physical trauma induced from childhood rape. You cannot tamper with "divine revelation" according to these men. Logic is thrown out the window. Logic is trumped by Allah.

    As a Christian, I am required to speak the truth with love. When speaking with the lawyers, my love for little girls was met with a cold and harsh reality.

    What kind of a man and what kind of a God? These are the questions which must be asked when sorting out the story of a praying rapist.

    Tammy Swofford

  2. Makes absolute, perfect, sense. Look at the 'profit' this god chose to represent him. Obvious to me this god is Satan. Unfortunately seeing as our enlightened society is busy stamping out all vestiges of it's Christian heritage, many no longer believe that Satan even exists!
    They will win and we are doomed because even an evil god will defeat no God.
