
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

How will our 21st Century Civilization be judged by History?

Remember those warm and fuzzy SyFy movies where the nations of the earth, drop their petty differences and came together to defend civilization from extraterrestrial aliens?

If we were again faced with the destruction of our civilization, would we join together the way we did in those movies?

Based on what our 21st Century Civilization’s response is to ISIS – I call bullsheet!

Whatever religion you believe in - or not, any gods you worship, ethnic group you belong to, culture you practice, or country that you are, ISIS is a threat to your contribution to our civilization’s past, present and future.

Islamic State (ISIS) militants have destroyed a temple at Syria's ancient ruins of Palmyra, activists said Sunday, realizing the worst fears archaeologists had for the 2,000-year-old Roman-era city after the extremists seized it and beheaded a local scholar.

The horrid and disgusting acts of ISIS and those that pledge themselves to them are not just uncivilized - but inhuman. Their actions make the Nazis look like boy Scouts!

There is no excuse against an immediate response of millions of troops, thousands of planes and hundreds of ships of the entire world to execute organized military action wherever ISIS is found.

History will judge civilization on how it responds to this plague. If civilization ignores ISIS or responds with feeble attempts, it is History that will judge us and find our 21st Century Civilization lacking in courage and morality.


  1. What our generation doesn't seem to understand is that victory gives momentum to rebels. Islam is perched to go in whatever direction the momentum goes.

    Muslims think it is "the will of Allah."

    So far, it seems obvious, ISIS is winning and we are losing.

  2. You touch on a very pertinent issue that has always troubled me. Do people like the Clintons,senators, justices, and other people who due to their positions have the opportunity of leading society into the future ever think of how history will look at them?

    I understand that Peron returned to Argentina with the intention of rein vindicating his place in history. True or not, it was a pitiful failure.
