
Thursday, August 20, 2015

Trump Shuts Down Reporter Who Complains His Use Of Term “Anchor Baby” Is Offensive

THIS is the reason Donald Trump has gained so much traction.

By "THIS" I mean, his ability to cut through PC bullshit. His unwillingness to tolerate it for even a second, and his insistence upon using his own language to express his own opinions, just as our First Amendment guaranteed us all in the first fucking place.


  1. Have you seen Ann Coulter's recent essay about the 14th Amendment? It's on my FB timeline right now.

  2. Dude's got balls. I like that he's a billionaire so he's not doing this for money.

    How likely is it that he could go all the way though? I mean, this is Donald Trump, no one seems to be taking him seriously.

    Also he keeps talking about a third party run, that is bound to give Dems the presidency for another 4 years (I would imagine the Commie Sanders is going to be a lot worse than Obama has been).

    I think people should leave the Republican party and let it die but they should do it not during presidential election cycle but during quieter times.

  3. Nico, it seems to me there is not enough motivation to not do it during an election cycle.

    I think we are in for some more pain before we come to our senses.

  4. Nico, it seems to me there is not enough motivation to not do it during an election cycle.

    I think we are in for some more pain before we come to our senses.
