
Friday, September 25, 2015

Ahmed the clock faker admits he plugged in the clock-in-a-case and set it to go off

Ahmed the clock faker admits he plugged in the clock-in-a-case and set it to go off
Ahmed Mohamad, the teenager who skyrocketed to fame based upon claims that he was a victim of islamophobia due to his temporary detention by police as a result of bringing what he described as an innocent clock that he claims he invented to school, reveals more details of what actually happened.  

Based upon previous reports, he showed his supposed invention to an engineering teacher in the morning. Who subsequently warned him that the device looked suspicious and not to show it to anybody else. Apparently rather than heed his warning, according to reports, he then showed his invention to teachers in the next six classes who voiced similar concerns to him. In the sixth period he apparently, without the English teachers knowledge plugged the device into the wall with the intent to set off the timer on the device. 

at :53
Ahmed: um the teacher, the clock in fact was plugged in during the classroom, so it didn't go off in my backpack, it was plugged in, and i set a timer on there and i showed a student next to me, and uh, it went off, and the teacher looked around and said "what was that noise", and i just unplugged it immediately 
Ali Velshi: and then what happened?, when did they call, the security people at the school? 
Ahmed: um, the security people were called sixth period, well that's when i got called out of class, but after the students left the classroom i did show the teacher my clock, and i did show it to her, that's when she took, that's when she confiscated it from me 
Ali Vleshi: now is that the particular teacher you wanted to impress, was that your engineering teacher, or was that a different teacher? 
Ahmed: that was a uh different teacher, but i wanted to impress all of my teachers


  1. Why the hell did he plug in the clock in English class?

  2. Why plug it in AND set the timer?

    To get the attention he had sought all day..
    Quote above: "Based upon previous reports, he showed his supposed invention to an engineering teacher in the morning. Who subsequently warned him that the device looked suspicious and not to show it to anybody else. Apparently rather than heed his warning, according to reports, he then showed his invention to teachers in the next six classes who voiced similar concerns to him..."

    This kid clearly had an agenda, and was determined to achieve his desired result before the end of the school day.
