
Saturday, September 19, 2015

Ahmed Mohammed and The Flying Imams - Everything You Wanted To Know About Ahmed's "Clock"

Click on the titles to get everything you need to know:

Terrible, Mean, Ignorant Infidels Arrest Young Innocent Muslim Boy Over Nothing But Making a "Clock" ... That Just So Happened to Look Like a Bomb - OBAMA INVITES THE LITTLE PRICK TO THE WHITE HOUSE



Washington Post: Obama says he supports Ahmed Mohamed, but his policies don’t


Hoax Bomb: Here's the Statute Ahmed Mohammed Was Suspected of Having Violated, and Why Pastorius is a "Racist"


Cowboys and Muslims


Bill Maher - Ahmed's "Clock" Block



  1. Yes, this has somehow been set up along the lines of "the flying imams."

    Have you noticed how much Ahmed is being coached by at least one of his sisters?

  2. Bookmarked this thread as "Ahmed's clock"...easy to recall for future use, sounds like title to Clancy novel.
