
Saturday, September 19, 2015

Cowboys and Muslims

This is a comment AOW read on another blog and sent to me. I think it is an important idea to understand and consider:
Ahmed is playing Cowboys and Indians variant called Muslims and Infidels. 
(IT COULD VERY WELL BE THAT) An adult built the device which is why Ahmed couldn't explain it. 
The Hoax IED is routine part of the IED cycle of recon and test defenses and response, also routine part of Arab's taunting the enemy with fakes, feints and above all- Soccer Mom's - by sending children to play at war with the Infidel. We dealt with this daily overseas. 
The equivalent - Soccer Mom's - would be sending American kids to wave toy but realistic looking pistols at the police. Here we see strong cultural differences. Must mention their culture is stronger in this regard. 
The price of inclusiveness in for instance the precious schools of Ahmed and the Jihad Little Rascals is Ahmed will be playing Cowboys and Muslims. 
Most children's games are to prepare for adulthood and the Muslim kids no different. 
The positive side in all this is your kids will learn to play Cowboy side of Cowboys and Muslims at an early age. In a way this is nature's corrective to Soccer Mommy-ing. With some attrition of course they'll be much tougher. 
If you think I'm cynical wait until you hear your Sons explaining this to you. Just wait.


  1. I wouldn't be surprised if the police dust that thing for fingerprints and find his dad's all over it.

  2. Hmm.

    I'm afraid the cops are just going to back down on this.
