
Thursday, September 17, 2015

The One Where you find out Ann Coulter wants Bernie Elected - UPDATE - The Ayatollah Khameini Weighs In




PASTORIUS CUTTING IN - The Ayatollah Khameini weighs in with his support for Ann Coulter's statement:


  1. I don't understand your post, Epa.

    Ann Coulter's remark SOUNDS baldly anti-Semitic. (Often her remarks are layered with irony and I don't know the context here.)

    Bernie Sanders is, from what I understand, a Zionist - which to me is a very positive thing.

    So what is the point.

  2. Oh, I think I get it now. I guess Epa's point is that Ann Coulter is attacking Republicans, and Epa believes that, if a Republican doesn't win, then Bernie Sanders will win.

    I think that's his point.

    Ann Coulter's statement is elucidated by two more Tweets she sent out last night, which can be viewed HERE:

  3. It seems evident there are no layers of irony in her statements.

    She apparently just does not care for Israel much.

    Fuck her.

  4. Ann as a first rank conservative republican couldn't do anything MORE powerful to get Jews to vote for ANY DEM than what she did, thus my comment.

    She assumes jews vote only on a SINGLE issue

    She assumes that issue swerves their US loyalties

    SHe demeans an ally AT LEAST as imortant as NATO

    SHe find little to no American interest in an alliance with Israel(?)

    She's FUCKED UP.

    I have of her books and I feel EUCHRED.

    Just like hte racists hiding under the anti jihad umbrella, is THIS all she is?

    Just a run of the mill bigot asshole with a nice ass?

  5. I don't think this is such a brain teaser. Her barb is aimed at the pandering of the professional politicians, who are sure to hit all their talking points, regardless of what the question is, for the purpose of getting elected. That is consistent with her recent support of the non-prepackaged, non-focus-grouped Donald Trump -- who I assume Ann has also calculated will be a massive supporter of Israel, as Ann has been since forever (in case that's relevant at all). Trump's appeal to those who are sick of our public discourse, and therefore our future actions, being crippled by the pervasive purse-lipped enforcement of political correctness by humorless scolds, is lost on those with no sense of humor in the first place, so I may be wasting keystrokes. Lumping Ann in with David Duke is hysterical though, so if this whole post is a meta-joke then well done, you got me. If it's serious, then I'd also ask what in the world does any of this have to do with Bernie Sanders?

  6. Schutrum, if you didn't get that Ann's INSINUATED expression of americans who happen to be jews being dual loyalty one issue voters, you are lost.
    Her PUBLIC actions and tweets can drive americans who happen to be jews to ensure their votes, resources and support continue to go the the D's, INCLUDING BERNIE and reverse the slow, but measurable movement during this admin to more conservative options.

    David Duke has always maintained that jews operate as zionists to control the USA, please explain how Ann Coulter, in her pandering claims being expressed as she did is not making the same insinuation

  7. I would estimate that the majority of American supporters of Israel are not Jews, but people like Ann Coulter, Pastorius and myself -- white conservative Christians. If I had to guess I'd say about 1 in 6 or 8 or so adult white Americans strongly supports Israel. If we look just at Jewish Americans, my guess is that maybe half, maybe a third strongly support Israel, although that might be an overstatement given their leaning Democrat. Since Jews are a small minority in America, numbers like that would mean that, as I said, a large majority of American support for Israel comes not from Jews, but from white conservatives.

    To the extent the above is true, you are right that when Ann Coulter made her stinging critique of the way politicians pander to different interest groups by getting in their talking points as they blurt out their canned, focus-grouped speeches, she could have made her joke more accurate by saying "Jeez how many supporters of Israel do these guys think there are?"

    But, she has the right to express herself in whatever way she chooses, regardless of the feelings of pouty politically correct nags, and she has made a career out of finding the most pointed, humorous, and biting way to get her point across. If she had blunted her message by using the alternative language I suggested above, her point would have been lost, leaving the hearer thinking "well, quite a few strong supporters of Israel, not a majority, but a lot, like 20 or 30 percent...your point is Ann?"

    And that's the effect on people who are capable of understanding her point in the first place, never mind those who are too dim regardless of how clear she is.

    By the way, you did not weigh in on the question of whether you think Ann Coulter is a strong supporter of Israel.

  8. Schutrum , stick to prognostications about non jews. You don't know what you're talking about.


    I am on the board of a VERY VERY liberal reformed congregation. I have been for many years.

    There is NO, as in ZERO spectrum about Israel insofar as their right to exist. Maybe 1-3% question that.
    There is ALSO very little doubt about what right of return means, so there is consonance on that.

    If that's not almost complete support I don't know what is, especially no less than Abba Eban told the Israeli gov't. that GAza and the West Bank were POISON PILLS, and he did it 45 years ago.

    Now w rgd to americasn who happen to jewish, Obama REALLY hurt himself, and thus the dems with Iran and other actions and statments since 2008, and MS Coulter LITERALLY gave cover to the emotional need of these people to be NOT REPUBLICAN, or NOT CONSERVATIVE

    It has always PREVIOUSLY been the right where anti semitism has resided.

    I would think my OBSERVATION, not my opinion, but my OBSERVATION of Ms Coulter is CLEAR.

    You cannot insinuate what she did about American who happen to be Jewish, and Jews in general, and BE Pro Israel.

    Israel is FULL of those people she has shown BIAS and contempt for.

    If she imagines she is on MY side, I have a message for her.


    You support Israel only in your imagination of what Israel means.

    THink of them as NATO, and forget all else, especially the F*ing jews you skinny little moron.
