
Friday, October 02, 2015

Chris Harper Mercer's Facebook Page, Before and After Official NSA Purging?



I can't vouch for this.

An Anonymous commenter gives us food for thought:
I am absolutely convinced that the regime makes a conscious effort to hide or distort a shooter's on-line history to conform to narrative as much as possible. This is why DHS immediately takes over the scene and withholds the shooters identity. 
I am also certain that there is a designated task force in DHS/NSA dedicated to rapid response to such situations and that Obama's remarks have been written beforehand waiting for an occurrence. 
It is not too much of a stretch to imagine that their are DHS operators who actively seek out disturbed individuals identified by NSA data mining and encourage them to act out violent fantasies. 
How do we know that the people posting encouragement to the deranged posters are not government agents? 
These assholes are trying to start a Civil War. The ultimate crisis (and they won't let it go to waste.)


  1. Comment of the day...

    "It’s amazing to me that the people of this country don’t grasp the simple irony that their President wants to take away their guns but just gave the Iranians nukes. It’s a bat$hit crazy world we live in and I hope the country wakes itself up soon."

  2. "After" is a link to the sign in page.

  3. AOW, I meant the sign in page for, the site where the screenshot of the Facebook page is supposed to be. Or at least my assumption is that its supposed to be there, like the Before screenshot.
