
Saturday, October 17, 2015

Clockmed Hangs Out With Sudan's President, A Wanted War Criminal

From Breitbart:
“Today al-Hassan [the father] and his son spoke graciously of Bashir who according to Sudan official news agency (SUNA) honored him in tribute to his intelligence and talent and in line with government policy of caring for gifted youngsters. 
“Mohamed told reporters afterwards that he is ‘extremely delighted’ for meeting Bashir and visiting Sudan. He expressed hope that he would have the opportunity to meet again with the Sudanese president ‘with a new invention and success,’” according to a Paris-based, English-language Sudanese newspaper.


  1. So, clockmed's daddy, who ran for political office multiple times in Sudan, thought it wise to have his infamous faux inventor son meet the butcher of Sudan? How many families have the luxury to leave jobs, school, & responsibilities for extended trips like this? Also remember:
    PakistanDailyTimes: Mohamed Elhassan: Strong on the Stalk
    "Let me bring you up to speed and give a bit of an update on Mohamed Elhassan. He is my friend and we have shared many thoughts regarding his campaign. He is currently engulfed in the presidential race and is on the ground in Sudan. We spend time together between trips from Dallas to Sudan. I sat with him and assisted with crafting his policy voice before his recent meetings in Washington DC, Saudi Arabia and for the current trip to Sudan."

    Meetings in DC...with who and for what purpose?

  2. I wonder what private meetings Obama is planning with Mohamed Elhassan on Monday, when Clock Boy is honored at the White House.

    Clock Boy will be honored at CAIR's banquet in Arlington, Virginia. The theme of this banquet is "Champions of Justice."

  3. Here's what I'd like to know....

    Why is Clock Boy trending as one of the top five stories in the media?

  4. The invitation Clockmed to be celebrated during astronomy night at the White House is also held on October 19
