
Friday, October 16, 2015

Common Core's Islamic Connection

From The Truth About Common Core by Sam Huntington:
Common Core is a global (voluntary) initiative designed to standardize educational standards in mathematics and the English Language Arts. It sounds tame enough, so why then are (some) parents alarmed about a Common Core-Islam connection? It is because school districts have incorporated school-sponsored programs of Islamic indoctrination, which include but are not limited to:

  • Visits to mosques at taxpayer expense
  • Requiring girls to wear head scarfs in the Islamic tradition
  • Diminishing the Holocaust as a political scheme
  • Offering allegiance to the United States in Arabic
  • Adopting observances of Islamic holy days
  • Introducing Islamic vocabulary to students who are barely able to speak proper English, introducing Islamic cultural studies
  • Proselytizing Islam by creating pamphlets about Islam
  • Reciting the Shahada, which proclaims Allah as the one true god and renounces the God of Abraham
Qatar is the origin of global educational standards; global standards is funded through Qatar Funding International (QFI) and directing the QFI Research Center for Islamic Legislation and Ethics is Tariq Ramadan, the grandson of Hassan al-Banna, founder of the Moslem Brotherhood cartel. In 2011, QFI partnered with the US Department of State (Hillary Clinton, Secretary) and the US Department of Education (Arne Duncan, Secretary) to facilitate relationships between US and foreign classrooms. It is called "Connect the Classrooms" Project....
Read the rest HERE. Critically important if this insidious form of Islamification is to be countered!

No matter what, the new reality of Islamification in American education is the major trend. From How Common Core quietly won the war: The standards that naysayers love to call 'Obamacore' have become the reality on the ground for roughly 40 million students:
...The math and English standards designed to develop critical thinking have been guiding classrooms for years now, even as the political fight rages on in statehouses and on the campaign trail: Many of today’s textbooks, workbooks, software and tests are designed to teach the oft-bashed academic standards and measure whether students are meeting them....

In more than half of all states, millions of students took new standardized tests last spring based on the standards....


  1. Australia's Andrew Bolt, you're paying for halal certification and that buys more mosques, more islamic centers, more islamic schools, and funds further dawa

    So, go ahead and vote against zoning restrictions...but know that you undermine your efforts when you continue to buy from companies swayed by this food tax on your sensibiities

    Jizya...the tax that humiliates infidels the world over. Believe it or else!

  2. BTW...recognizing Facebook's ability and history of purging non-PC posts....hopefully someone has copied this video clip featuring Andrew Bolt's brief expose on halal food tax for further distribution - should Facebook decide to purge the linked entry as well.
