
Monday, October 26, 2015

French policeman suspended for 2 years because he criticized the Caliph of the Islamic State

From Breitbart:
“In September 2014, I strongly reacted to the kidnapping and beheading of Hervé Gourdel that followed a call from the leaders of the Islamic State to murder “the dirty evil French”. 
One of my colleagues from work, whom I had invited as a ‘friend’ on my Facebook page, denounced me to my superiors…. 
According to the administrative decree that was sent to me today, I am accused of having created an anonymous Facebook page in September 2014, showing several “provocative” images and commentaries, ‘discriminatory and injurious’, of a ‘xenophobic or anti-Muslim’ nature. As an example, there was that portrait of the Calif al-Baghdadi, head of the Islamic State, with a visor on his forehead. 
This publication was exhibited during my appearance before the discipline committee with the following accusation: 
‘Are you not ashamed of stigmatizing an imam in this way?'” The Islamic State: it has nothing to do with Islam, as we’re constantly told — unless you criticize its caliph. Then it has everything to do with Islam, and you’re “stigmatizing an imam.” 
This madness will spell the death of France and the West.

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