
Saturday, October 17, 2015

Gothenburg, Sweden: Christians living in Sweden have been told to ‘convert or die’ in chilling messages across the city

From the Daily Mail:
Christians living in Sweden have been told to ‘convert or die’ in chilling messages across Gothenburg – a hotbed of ISIS recruitment 
Christians living in Sweden have been warned to ‘convert to Islam or die’ in a string of threatening messages linked to the Islamic State. 
Members of the Assyrian community are understood to have been targeted with sinister graffiti daubed on restaurants and businesses in Gothenburg – a hotbed for jihadist recruitment. 
The messages bear all the hallmarks of the chilling psychological warfare employed by ISIS in the Middle East, but as yet Swedish police have been unable to track down those responsible. 
Markus Samuelsson, one of 3,000 Assyrian Christians living in Gothenburg, said he found the walls of his restaurant covered with the messages ‘convert or die’ and ‘the caliphate is here’.  
The warnings were also accompanied with the Arabic letter ? – a symbol which has been used ISIS in the Middle East to donate Christians.

1 comment:

  1. NewEnglishReview: Muslim Refugee Warns: This Is the “Islamic Conquest of the West”

    Seventy-five percent of those arriving from Syria come from safe area[s]; actually, the ones in disaster areas cannot … leave. .....
    And Germany is right now on the front line. The Montana-sized nation expects 1.5 million Muslim migrants this year alone; this is 50 percent more than the total population of Montana. And these migrants will enter a land where churches are already being converted into mosques......
    Dr. Zahran also warns that this “is only the beginning. We are looking at at least … another 20 to 30 million Muslim/Arab migrants during the next 3 to 5 years.…This is a big issue; this is going to change Europe’s culture.”
    .......Dr. Zahran seems to believe that the migrants represent a vanguard in what he calls “the soft Islamic conquest of the West.” He also says that in his opinion, half the Syrian male migrants “have actually held weapons and fought in the Syrian war.” And while they’re rough and ready to fulfill what he terms “the Islamic … dreams of fascism of some,” Europe is playing the doormat. What Muslims “couldn’t do in the last 20 years,” says Zahran, “now the West is doing for us for free — and even paying for it.”
    (Read the whole thing at NER)
