
Sunday, December 20, 2015

Republican Strategist Frank Luntz Feels Sorry for Muslims

If "all whites are racist" is where we START discussions with Muslims, then there can be no conversation. 

Muslim Panelist: Trumps Comments About Muslims Will Cause Number Of Muslim American Terrorists To ‘Skyrocket’


  1. This is why we are at a loss when dealing with this issue. Obviously this guy knows NOTHING about Islam. They are all pious, but nobody faced them with the fact that there is more than religion in Islam.

  2. Did he bring up Shariah at any point?

  3. Fully agree with the previous three Anonymous. So this idiot thinks that giving pious Muslim the stage to disseminate their deceit is a step in the right direction? He is ignorant and delusional.

    He did not need to be aggressive and push them too much ... All he had to do was have the Reliance of the Traveler in his pocket, and start asking pointed, pertinent questions.

    I always thought this guy looked like and idiot. Now he fully confirmed it, but at the expense of furthering the ignorance of the American people.

  4. let us remember that there is a muslim on the FOX owners list-things have been down-sliding since he bought in--
