
Thursday, February 11, 2016

A More Radical Trump Emerges

I Want You To Shove It Up Your Ass

From Byron York, who I'm sure wishes this was nothing but a bad thing, or BYRON YORK KNOWS ON WHICH SIDE HIS BUTT IS BUTTERED:
In a nearly one-hour speech, Trump railed against pharmaceutical companies. He railed against oil companies. And insurance companies. And defense contractors. And he set himself against a political system that he said allows big-money corporate "bloodsuckers" to control the government with campaign contributions. 
"Whether it's the insurance companies, or the drug companies, or the oil companies, it's all the same thing," Trump said. "We're never going to get our country back if we keep doing this." 
Trump promised to allow the government to negotiate drug prices — a common position among Democrats but rarely heard at nominally Republican events. He said he would not raise military spending, arguing that the nation's defenses can be improved without increasing its already huge Pentagon budget. 
He promised tough sanctions on American companies that move jobs overseas. 
Trump was, in other words, in full populist mode as he wrapped up his New Hampshire campaign, in which he leads the closest Republican competition by about 15 points, according to the RealClearPolitics average of polls. 
There were portions of Trump's Plymouth speech that sounded like Bernie Sanders, if Sanders had Trump's sense of showmanship. In fact, Trump mentioned Sanders favorably, saying they agree on trade. Trump also said Sanders is correct in his charge that Hillary Clinton is compromised by the big-money contributions she has accepted — a charge the billionaire developer aimed at his Republican rivals as well.


  1. I receive a great deal of communications from the left, and they are campaigning like crazy against Trump. I believe they seriously fear him more than any other Rep candidate.

  2. cjk,
    Obviously, I understand where you are coming from.

    I've lost most hope as well. It's not a good position to be in.

  3. Anonymous,
    I know that what you say is true.

    The Left fears him and establishment Republicans fear him.

    Academia fears him, and the media fears him, except they also love him because he helps them get ratings.

    He has all the right enemies.

  4. OT (for black history month and in particular today 2/12/2016):
    The Muslim Slave Trade (Documentary From 2nd Half 20th Century)
    includes quote from text by Theodore Parker's "Historic Americans" 226 years ago today describing founding father, Ben Franklin, abolitionist extraordinaire, & quoting the koran in defending his abolition petition to Congress.

  5. CJK- 'I really don't care if Trump torches the whole fucking place.
    This is a fuck you vote.'

    Add up Bernie+Trump and believe me, these are ALL ,, well.. FUCK YOU and there are way more where they came from.

    Just wait.
