
Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Karl Rove Is a Gift That Keeps On Giving

Best moment from last night:

Just for extra laughs, here's the genius in 2012:

Why the hell is he allowed any airtime?


  1. It never ceases to amaze me every time FOX sticks a mike up his nose. This guy is one of the main reasons (and there are other) that brought the conservative moment to this sorry state. The guy has no moral principles. He is just a strategist, not a policy man (by his own words.) All he cares about are numbers: in polls, contributions, big, fat contributions, without caring what their origin us. He brought us the Norquists and Alamudies of Jihad into the Rep party. And he keeps his nasty maneuverings. The guy is despicable, and so are O'Reilly, Hannity, etc.

  2. since the muslim became part of fox administration- part owner-things went down fast-
    -as to rove--don't get me started -
    no difference in the parties-

  3. Because the GOP management continues to revere Rove, the Party is finished.

