
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

What a few comics writers are saying about today's suicide bombing in Belgium

There was a suicide jihad attack in Brussels today, just a few days after one of the Paris bloodbath masterminds was arrested in the Molenbeek district. And how do some comics writers react? Dan Slott, for one, is not going about this the right way. He began by retweeting a post attacking Fox News for blaming the attack on political correctness, and then:

What's that supposed to mean? Some kind of acronym for cursing at Fox? Tsk tsk.

And is that supposed to be a moral equivalent? Nobody with sense should take any alleged condemnation from Slott at face value. Nor should they assume Ron Marz is any better:

And Marz is still looking for opportunities to bash Republicans instead of writing a convincing condemnation of religious savages. Pathetic and ignorant of Europeans who've been denigrated by these obscenities.

Even this falls way short of courage.

Leave it to Conway to seek more opportunities to bash the GOP too, rather than complain about evil mentalities running rampant anywhere in the world. As Ted Cruz says, we don't need lectures from Obama about "islamophobia". Similarly, we don't need lectures and narrow rantings from some of these comic creators about Republicans supposedly being worse than the jihadists ravaging civilized societies.

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