
Monday, May 23, 2016

“we are meeting on stolen indigenous people’s land”

San Francisco State University race and resistance studies professor Rabab Abdulhadi in an article on universities rushing to create ISLAMOPHOBIA STUDIES DEPARTMENTS. (Gee, do you think he was trying to draw some kind of parallel?)

BTW, are there any Dept’s of Islamism Studies?

Dept’s of Sharia in the West Studies?

Dept’s of Assimilation Failure Studies?

Abdulhadi’s seemingly disjointed declaration was typical of the post-colonial, “intersectionality”-driven jargon of the entire conference, which sought to link the mythical plight of America’s prosperous, content Muslim population, with the struggles of every oppressed minority known to man. It was also an opportunity for two academic centers at opposite ends of the country to join forces and promote what was euphemistically referred to at the 2015 UC Berkeley conference as “Islamophobia studies.”

While UC Berkeley Islamophobia Research & Documentation Project (IRDP) director and conference convener Hatem Bazian gave the opening remarks, John Esposito, founding director of Georgetown University’s Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding (ACMCU) and project director of ACMCU’s Bridge Initiative, “a multi-year research project that connects the academic study of Islamophobia with the public square,” was the undisputed star.
Esposito was introduced by Munir Jiwa, director of the Center for Islamic Studies at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, who, after noting that one of the scheduled speakers on the same panel was unable to attend, added with a smile, “I’m sure Dr. Esposito will be happy to take up the time.” Esposito did not disappoint, delivering a long, rambling talk filled with humorous asides and one-liners to which the audience responded with hearty laughter.
My real question, why were there no departments dedicated to the study of KKKphobia?
The reaction to an imposed Dawa which enshrines female servitude, submission to the male (and compulsory LACK of education), invasive contempt of infidels who do submit, and unyielding resistance to those who will not, coercion of individuals and societies, hatred of the Jews, and Hindus, and Buddhists, along with the indoctrination of the young in a bath of lies about others, and faith, is the perfect model for KKKphobia studies.

What did the KKK do to spread?
What did the KKK do to Teach?
What did the KKK do to Recruit?


  1. Why no course or dept. to address the topic of "stolen indigenous people's land" occupied by the Kaabah.
