Sargon briefly mentions the following criteria.
- Human Development Index: this one, by itself, is quite comprehensive since it includes life expectancy, education and GDP per capita.
- Internet access.
- Freedom of the press.
- Property rights.
- Women's security.
- LGBT rights.
- Child labor.
- Slavery.
It's incredible to see the titanic levels of delusion and malice in people who refuse to say that the West is superior to the Islamic nations. For example, the Young Turds disagree. You see, the Turds think that the Trump supporters are just as bad as those who throw homosexuals off roof tops. One has to hear it to believe it. Just go to 15:18 in the video and listen. Such creatures are not ignorant. They are vile.
(Originally posted at Isaac Schrödinger.)
Man, I love your posts, and the fact that you are posting again.
But Christian West also seems to have a self-destruct subroutine programmed to kick-in post cultural perigee.