
Thursday, August 18, 2016

The Problems I Have With The Black Lives Matter Movement

From the Puff Ho (Huffington Post, for the unitiated):
Race riots erupted in the streets of Milwaukee, Wisconsin this weekend. 23-year-old Sylville Smith was shot and killed by a police officer. Smith had an illegally obtained pistol in his possession and refused to put it down when the officer ordered him to. Smith had a history of past arrests, according to Milwaukee Police Capt. Mark Stanmeyer. 
Several people responded by rioting in the streets. A lot of destruction took place and several businesses were burned down. Some of the rioters were part of the Black Lives Matter movement, as evident by photographs of rioters wearing their shirts. 
The rioters were also chanting “black power” and beating up any white person in sight. 
The rioters didn’t take into account the fact that the officer who shot Smith was black. 
They also didn’t seem to understand how this officer’s actions could possibly be justified. Especially with Smith’s arrest history, the fact that the gun was stolen, and his refusal to put it down. 
Instead, hatred and violence came out of many ill-informed people. 
Don’t get me wrong, I believe there are many well-intended people within the Black Lives Matter movement. I also believe police brutality is a real problem. However, this isn’t something that only affects black people. White people are also victims of police brutality, as are Hispanics, Asians, and every other race. 
I will avoid statistics and comparisons as to which group experiences it more. I don’t believe that will help anyone. The fact that it is even happening is enough. Therefore, it is unsettling to me when I see black-on-black crime go by unnoticed in the Black Lives Matter movement. 
It seems like the only black lives that matter to them are the ones taken by police officers. 
This is something Peggy Hubbard knows all too much about. Hubbard posted a rant criticizing the movement. The rant went viral last year and Hubbard appeared on CNN to speak with Don Lemon. Hubbard pointed out the death of 9-year-old Jamyla Bolden, who died from a stray bullet. 
Hubbard said that while Bolden’s death was mostly ignored, violence erupted from protesters when a wanted criminal was shot dead by cops after he reportedly pointed a gun at them. 
“You say black lives matter? Her life mattered. Her dreams mattered. Her future mattered. Her promises mattered,” Hubbard said. 
I do feel that many of those within the Black Lives Matter movement are going to unnecessary and dangerous lengths. These lengths are dividing and segregating people. 
This past June, a vigil was being held for the victims of the Orlando shooting at the University of Missouri. Suddenly, three Black Lives Matter members got on the stage. One of them was activist Tiffany Melecio. When Melecio got on stage, she criticized the audience for not coming to their racial demonstrations. “I was really nervous to get up here because there’s a lot of white people in the crowd,” she said. 
Members of Black Lives Matter Toronto halted the city’s Pride parade in July. Co-founder Alexandra Williams said the group was holding Pride Toronto accountable for their “anti-blackness.” 
Ironically, Black Lives Matter Toronto was invited to the parade as its Honoured Group. The parade was halted for up to 30 minutes, until the executive director of Pride Toronto, Mathieu Chantelois, signed a document agreeing to the group’s demands. 
One of those demands was that the parade can no longer have police floats. Black Lives Matter Vancouver made the same demand. 
I disagree with this wholeheartedly...

It must be getting really bad for Black Lives Matter when the Puff Ho is waking up to their racism and violence.


Black Lives Matter Cashes In With $100 Million From Liberal Foundations


  1. The catalyst for a lot of BLM activity, particularly the confrontations and violence, is professional agitation from outside the target community. Obama is aware of, and supports this.

  2. The ultimate goal is the destruction of the republic, and the country as we knew it. The NWO the Utopian nuts' dream.

  3. We are five days from fundamentally transforming the United States of America! He did exactly what he said he'd do. Guy's an expert organizer for sure!

  4. I agree, Tim. He does what he does as well as Reagan did what Reagan did.

    Obama has achieved almost everything he set out to achieve.

    And now, we have a very ill woman running for President against a person who Obama's Administration is making the argument "can not be trusted with the Nuclear codes."

    Think about what that means.

    Why are they laying that foundation?

  5. I agree with what Anonymous said @ Thursday, August 18, 2016 1:42:00 pm.

    I no longer recognize my country.

  6. As the streets of Milwaukee continue to seethe after the officer-involved shooting death of Sylville K. Smith, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett came forward to confirm that the bodycam footage showed that Smith was clearly holding a handgun and refused to drop it.

    More at the link, including this:

    Milwaukee has become a perfect example of just why the Black Lives Matter movement isn’t about change and it isn’t about facts. It’s about politically directed anger, plain and simple.

    Black Lives Matter wanted bodycams. In Milwaukee, they got bodycams. The footage showed that Smith and another man ran from a traffic stop and that Smith had a gun in his hand and refused to drop it. The officer’s life was obviously in danger, and he had cause to shoot.

  7. Damn. I mean to put that comment on another thread. In a hurry. Gotta dash out to the doctor's office.
