
Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Deplorables Unite


  1. OMG! This is the truth, but is it good as a campaign?

    He will never be allowed to assume if elected. He is openly against globalization, which is the biggest investment the establishment has made in the last fifty years or more.


  2. Every negative headline resurrects this tune and the imagery of this video. This song definitely works for Trump...just as the creepy "Tomorrow belongs to me" video suited the Obama/Adolph campaign (lest we forget OBama youth brigade march formation or Hail Obama or Kids Obama song....or mmm, mmm, mmmm, Barack Hussein Obama

  3. I don't think the analogy between Trump and Obama works, but ok.

  4. An Anonymous commenter posted this:

    nonymous has left a new comment on your post "Deplorables Unite":

    I just tried to send this video to family members and my email rejected every attempt with the excuse it was detecting potential spam. I removed the word "Trump" from the subject line. Then I removed the word "Deplorables" and "Les Miserables". Then I removed the screen cap of the video in the body. Still no luck.
    Finally, I changed the url by adapting a Tiny.url configuration and it went through.


  5. Thank you for confirming that it's unusual/weird and I'm not paranoid.

  6. Yes, I got the email of the comment and then I went to look for the comment and it's not there.

    Google owns blogger, so if you have a Google Gmail account for email, then there is a consistency.

  7. Once again, it appears my comment was erased on google.
    I assume Pasto will receive notice of this in his ebox as in prior similar recent instances.

    As coincidence would have it. . .there is a thread discussing a related issue over at FreeRepublic. . .

    Yahoo is expected to confirm massive data breach, impacting hundreds of millions of users

    One comment confirms/validates my recent experience with Yahoo mail:

    "they’ve been trying to get me to change my password AND give them a cell phone number (NEVER!!!) for about 2 years now."

  8. They've been trying that with me too.

    I will not given them my Cell number.

    It's not going to happen.

  9. Related:
    Twitter Suspends Conservative Luminary Instapundit via GatewayPundit

    Seems progressives are impatient about Obama's pending ICANN internet handover in October.

    P.S. Given the NSA overreach during the 7+ years of this administration, I have no doubt these counter-privacy efforts already have access to identities. It's a matter of manpower/focus as to when they put 2 and 2 together. What pisses me off is this info is likely to be used against political opponents in the future - regardless of who is elected. There are no reliable barriers from such intrusions anymore.

  10. I'm sure they know who all of us are. They know our porn habits. They have our financial records. They have photographs and videos and recordings of us from our computer cameras. Etc.

    Just like Snowden says.

  11. America is About to Lose the Internet as the Masses Sleep 06:12 video explains the ICANN handover and it's risks

    Leave it to Obama and our government to botch this up, too! Let’s keep our internet. Help make this video viral by sharing it everywhere! I’m convinced MOST Americans don’t even know about this!
