
Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Newt Gingrich Chews Megyn Kelly A New One

In the previous segment tonight Kelly had been pushing Mike Pence to concede that in light of the polls Trump was in trouble and so were the Senate and House. Pence wasn't taking the bait.

So she tries the same with Newt. Who also isn't taking the bait. Maybe they nominated the wrong person she says. And she keeps pushing and pushing...

And then calls Trump a sexual predator.


It is so satisfying to watch Newt explode and rip her up.


  1. He should have called her Dykey McRugmuncher.

  2. After watching that I say FOX news is finished.

  3. Should we pull up megyn Kellys interview with Howard Stern talking about her husbands genitals and size.

  4. Should we pull up megyn Kellys interview with Howard Stern talking about her husbands genitals and size.

  5. "Let's assume she is corrupt...."

    Really, Ms. Kelly? You think it is an assumption that the Clinton crime syndicate is corrupt?

    I see Megyn has the confetti cannon firing off again.
