All of us, every single man, woman, and child on the face of the Earth were born with the same unalienable rights; to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And, if the governments of the world can't get that through their thick skulls, then, regime change will be necessary.
Friday, December 16, 2016
Sean Hannity spoke with founder and editor-in-chief of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, on his radio show today to clear up the source of the DNC hack.
When Hannity asked him if the Russian government was the source of the hack, Assange said the following:
Julian Assange: “Our source is not the Russian government.”
Sean Hannity: “So in other words, let me be clear, Russia did not give you the Podesta documents or anything from the DNC?”
Julian Assange: “That’s correct.”
Sean Hannity: “Can you confirm whether or not you have information involving hacked info from the RNC?”
Julian Assange: “We received about 3 pages of information to do with the RNC and Trump, but it was already public somewhere else.”
Sean Hannity: “The CIA supposedly says that the Russians definitely tried to influence the U.S. election. What is your thoughts on that?”
Julian Assange: “I think it is very interesting ..the key quote for us is from James Clapper on the 17th of November. James Clapper is head of DNI (Director of National Intelligence)…who oversees all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies and so his statement is as far as Wikileaks connection is made to the House Intelligence Committee.”
James Clapper audio: “As far as the Wikileaks connection, the evidence there is not strong and we don’t have a good insight into the sequencing of the releases or when that data may have been provided. We don’t have as good insight into that.”